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Yelr Fllo No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /9/ SALE PRICE , Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD - - - - 11>;81' ldQg :i Si<f' fJ , ....52 Marion R. Speece et u.x 1 S l L k ,!tV}~ 1;;;( iJrJ.} k,,,L.,., " ..;: '(J(7) V' - - - - - - . - - - - - .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ) - - - - - - / I - - - - ' , / - - - - , . - - - - - - - - - - --~.:-""':' ~-~-'- -----_-::._-_.:..._'--_:._----- --- -- - -------- -- - -_.:._-- -- - - --- --- - -: -- -'- - - - ~;.' --~ . _. .' .... '''^ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS - " Year Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved lmprovemenh B.of E. (Buildings) VALUE 63 7 0 /0 41-0 <fa .3 S;-O L../-,fcJ , SJ f -?o 53 9 / /() /f'o 30 ],)e; <<'~O : ,2i ~cJ() ~cJ{) /(},oO 40 dcJ 4'1-CJ SIO 57 ?I?O /00 /0.00 '-10 30 ;260 -330 - K1 9. 0 E) /, Or) /0,00 f/() ,50 d!htJ 3&J i, . 9.()-t) 1.0"7/ /~. o-tJ 70 bO 'lRb //ot,- ~ ~ f;-% 91!J ~CJ ' L'.2.3tJ /-?rf'~ ;??o c00 /,,2.:]0 IS~ ~ " 1)0 e2,,(J 0 /C).(JIJ f,1J/J c:z:;- 0 /.,,"3/) d/)~O - .~ ~~ /Ol.o-o I~~;;" _ 1~ 4.(/7.tJ' , . :t(/,Ijr,z:) ~ ~ot}O /05:"0 55";).0 74 I./A""~ 6/1:1 .tJ #?~ //~o ~ c5&t'Jo 6J'~o /5700 i 7~ 8,.f)~ .;1,11,11 j{j,6iJ . /r/?/)/J /7#~ 8il/~d LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. ~.. b. 36 21 3 NW NE / .4,_t", 1- '/D("; , y,~ RGE. ~ - . ~===>o. ~ 1-LlJ VAL\iATIONS I I I --. - ----. NUMBER OF ACRES I I b. S' () Yur I Oyster TImb4lr UnImproved Improved TOTAL 1- Oyder Timblr UnImproved Impr~v.d ImprOVlments II. of E. (Building') VAlUe 8'3 --- 8.00 ~.oo / (), 00 3/5"00 ,;)CJ 76C 5'1,;J.O{) t,t;' q.DO .1.00 10."0 ftJ1; k ~ &lS~= .e-- ;'J.S::t.oO AH I~ t/ :5;A/ to 2...1 d~ om - - - -~ --- I -----.... ----- -- I. - I -- _._~ -- . - - -- .--.- 1------ -- ~~ - --- ----- - I - I I