HomeMy WebLinkAbout321361490060 ~ "Ill -;:;r File No. -r---~-._-- NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /9 f SALE PRICE Rd, ISe". I F<:Irt PUD I fPD I I - ->--- -I 70 255764 ~ond Missler-C. P. Hoff 1 40" S 315 L H ~458t_ 6/75 Tofffl" """ c--_ Talmo Inc i!43933 5/76 -M~~~ c. L Kellv .r ~?7~~6 me- I"'W- ~uomnu-'lVr, t~ 'In- n~ . c 'Ut ~"'U II: 'L:J 10 344920 Carl V-Kat N lIs rc 5950 . - 6/78 345248 (SACO) -.----. -----. ~ 7/PS(, ~ :iJ'j" q" I'f /J. ' A.4. #..~, ../l.. / A ') d /3.So0~ S ~2 /f-Vl-/57-88 ~t:~iZ~~~~,ef::Lv ~}, p v." .," f..; .J /. " of'$, ~, '-q:.~ -N:- ?c9O.;1/ -..:2J.... L/o:J'jjj- '\ @C/J~ lfd /f-n d L:/V"\( 'I t ../ #5~3$'1 Nt) .!l~ -c- .' NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ~ 8'3 I 9" , I I TOTAL I /, t; (j 1~((9 . ~t" Timber I Unimproved Improved h Qt!/ Oydor Timber Unimproved Improved lmprovlments (Buildings) B.ofE. VALUE - ~if!3.s- - 05'.5'00 /14>00 ,;y:' as- $'SbrD 1/ 4>(;() -- -1---- 1---- - -- ---- -~ .--.------ -1-------\..--...- - - lOT SEC. ~.- r~r/T3~' ~ 1 J - 'f 't:O i~ I. iO i -- BLK. TWN. RGE. 16 21 3 Tract 6 of SE NE ,:'4i -/I /-r1 (Tr 2 of SP #328) A tr of land in the SEt of the NEt of Sec 36-2l-3W, W.M. particularly desc as follows: Cormnencing at the r.'W cor of the SEt of the NEt sd Sec; th S 00034'12" W, alg the Wly line of sd SEt of NE'!, 216.39' to the pob of the tr of land hereby desc; th S 00034'12" Walg sd Wly line 216.25'; th S 890 50'53" E. parallel with the Nly line of the SEt of the NEt 400.24'; th N 00029'52" E parallel with the E line of sd NEt. 216.25'; th N 89050'53" \.f. parallel with the Nly line of the SEt of the NEt 399.97' to the pob. Excepting rd r/w ._~--.-' - ...... . c .--~ - . . - ,- ' (;/M" ,Jd 1./</1(,17 Vl.t.....~ - /-/,,/t Z! T~ <h~ 3;29.?'5.t - o.(ljJ t&,-f:-'( ~ 70 ~eR.,$.<>..vs {A.zt~ 31/41110 -I:;:e- #<Je/?,;So/ol'5 70 ;::;'t.f-S7K-OF-t !71/5Z$ - .5111 /ke/4$ON;5 ro ~ Uj /f;UI/P7- /t/o ?;9t.HO.ka. 70 ~"'-r I/-zt,l/SS - hI!J ~L."-7' 7'" R"""L.L~r-e4H ;I."=~ /)E~ '<:/4:.4' /-t.:5.$.u;c,e 4' 4F'~ ll... ....4