HomeMy WebLinkAbout321361400000 v... I O,rt.. NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS 6iD Timber Unimproved Improyed TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved Improyed Improyements B. of E. . l' 0ltEST - {Bulldin9s} VALUE '6 RC' 84.33 ,18.65? 18.6~ I()IJ 1,'00 71 It", ~ +-. ..., ,.~' .:J.'tJS1$ '/1 SE4. - :'Wlf.$ II)' S:d-7 L-;~~ 423s 78 , /?.;1 "7;';. !l~7CJ 71 /..I, I~ I. () " tt;" f /] - /o~ '10 71'30 /41 oao f---- e3 ~~/< '773 () d. ? &, L//:;' - - - --. - , - I - I LOT BLK. . l~ 1.:1~ d a~l,' I ~ 4~O '0\0 6101 SEe. twH. RGE. \ r- ~-~-r----. 223282 70 ~15764 1L15-Utt5~ 11.... 30~.521 Class. Forest RCW 84.33 ~ 5/76 313744 !!l.~~_32~sJ- IJ 7Jn 1~l3g" ') , rtll/;;;;71~ L." %tt I4'Z.6'/7(/ I r1 i ';:;/ / '-' ~k. 1iLlttz '// A. <:-, (~v:.~"!v.p) ~ 1f..~'17f;t.(J .Ld A. !~ 4- /' i' .\ -%<1 '1.9.Y.3cJ9 /'. '-"'.4.;;( Ju,'M . <) . ~ r;,fj( i -~ NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS jq I Rd. $ch. I Port PUD I fPO ~, 1 W2 S 3 5 d Miss1er-C1avton P. Hoff L H T.Qlmo, Inc. . L. Kellv Jr 'il... .JA'. A,-U' )j) J~A)' j~~~A ' II /r t'I r, n '7 " ;r ... . -. :;.;-.' -. '_:.~:::: .;.."--. -~=-- - ...... 0. \i''l} <.. . . \.36 21 3 SE NE N\I1v n-f R/\1* " ... S A.lE PRICE }Pll-U. #24581 VJ.L> ---..Jg3944 J!-41S2.1 s20750 -~115.5/ '7" 10311 t) :;t .::> ~N/'I It ,;J(^ 7S0 1?Er, /I 7b?7rf J//i) #J'6622 - IV/) #'flb745 /Vb Lc,!? -:/A.j7J'.:J7 c:;>= f;)r/rJt. -A c I 1'1 #330015 , St Correct Legal description by real estate contract No. 331288: ~~ Beginning at the northwest corner of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 36, Township 21 North, Range 3 West, W.M.; Thence S 890 50' 53" E along the north line of said subdivision 738.97 feet to the true pob; thence continuing S 890 50' 53\' E 572.67 feet to the northeast corner 'of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section 36; thence along the east I ine of said subdivision S 00 29' 52" W 231.44 feet to the northwesterly right of way J ine of State Highway No. J4-A; thence along said right of way S 600 45' 44" W 659.50 feet; thence N 00 29' 52" E 555.09 feet to the true point of beginning; excepting road rights of way. ~~ ~/8~ . ~~ t ~a___ ..~ ~ -. ~ -- - --_. -- .~.",-_.._- -- -- *EX TRS .P <I.,u~ /7 ,,-.0 ~"0...., - -'''r: "Ie T <L~ ..~ =~--?c,~,......". ,~-- ~ ~