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Year FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /'10 SALE PRiCe:; Rd. Sch. Porl PUD FPD !') ,/~ - b e-- - ~ 10371f Roy Nason et ux 1 402 S l L SF "/I~ "IS/6 fu 27/n 97 ~ ~JaJt Jpj >!-"~ I-f 2"' ,30;;5'10 .,EO RCW 1loI!L1 - - - - - - - - - - - e-- - .- - - - - , - - - - - - - - ,- - - -.;.-.~-~--------------~--------~------ ------- - -- ---...:. ~--- _n_ -- --- ---'- - - _:...- _:...- --r.'--- . ~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yellr Oyst.r Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (BuIldings) VALUE f3- 4o.tJ( 4<0, 0 ;<'00 ..2...00 f/- /,1,1. d t1 1/.,-;J.Cld 3 ()() 3CJcJ 5( 7'-D,oo i":Qp 0 ~o ::<t,to -- "- :a 0f .3~o .3 c:/ 61 ~ ~ _'5;jtJ /,;l.:t:10 ~o ~ .IjIJ. 0 f) ~p.~o -.!l~ ..:<5h') .:l:5'/'a - "/fJ ~ % j$o 5"00 51cfo 1:3 1St:> 'to/X; '77.$"0 '13 '1I5'G> 7t>o() ~.o - ri /<!>~~ - 14'000' /j!bdO ~ ~~~, ~~!!ES~ *4) () *.0(1; /$(,0 /.5"6 '& ...l.Z!<GJ /7~o 'l!l 2tO 1? tJ tRo :PO 'lR af/UHO &/0, (JfJ ;;Vt,O .;:(1:60 ?f ~"t/O ..::?OS"O LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RaE. mt!lm2llL~ ... 1/:; ?1 , BE NE CLASs. FOREST ...... ttc.w 84Jl3. ,.' (?,..-:;jjjj v , ""IIIIl ,.'. ... .... -- .. . - -~ - - -----._~-':::.- --.,.. -....--....- .. .~,. . ;..--- ~ d~ duuL P,17a-Jb. dM~7~- ~.d7 ;1p~4,"",,/~~, =1 ~~ "-~.- ~ NUMBER OF ACRES ,~, ~--o;:;;;~:;:;:~'UnimprOVed Improved ftJ C~ }~?~ES t/tJ .{)/1 '6/ 40,00 I(?- ~3 _ &<( ______ ri? (;) Ci 'l5+_________ \__._ _ . _ _n' I - I I TOTAL I I ~O .M! I </-0.00 UJ '10.00 -------'- ---- -- ---1----- -- Oyder ' I I Timb.r Unimproved VALUATIONS Improved dO\OO <5J !,.;Jj) 'I ~ 15" L/U.s '/9;;?5 LfIfilS" I I I ."^,,. Improvem.nts (Buildingl) 1"0. PO 8. of E. VALUE ,;( ~OO .;<~.2.c) '-/ b 1 s;- 1J'J'..5;- Lf9d1S' '-1'845 I 1___- I 1--' I