HomeMy WebLinkAbout321347590122 rear'-I -File No. .-..I-----..-..-----N~ME of OWNER - I'" CONTRACT TO , . ~--, 9/78 350456 ba Rr'" I_~_- ,~_ Jrse Tur~a lLlliL329_Ql5_ _:JJJrnas A __~ M 7/~J J P<'PrA -t..otg 1--9-96641- __ L.(..It./ I .n_M.Ln~ YA i2.2!'Cf- ~ - -~.6uY ~fJ-uv~~,-) _ /I OIST~lCTS ) 9' SALE PRICE et a I'd, IS,'_ I!~~t PU~[ fPD: 'i 1I~,:)411 LLW2_ -3J_3J_L:,H i $13500,. WOD 'L I I 't 11759T6;,:'op w"na --'- ,,,,'_ L ____1_ ~.DOO ~"'(' /. L I ~"'''''<;c,O W.b L]-- _h'__'__n____ ___,___._,_ ----- - -----, - - --'-~- . --L- NUMBER OF ACRES I. VALUATIONS Year I Oyder TImber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oydu Timber Unimproved I lmpr:lved Improvements I B. of E. (8uilding,' VALUE .iL 1---- - ,7D ,70 :?~() ';>,"'-"0 f3 ,70 ,70 .s ~.5' 0 SdSO -- -- ---- - -- -.-- - - I ----...- -- ---- --.---- --- 1___- - --.--- --- -- ---- ---- 1---- --- -- :__.==1 .---- -----1-- - - -- -- - ~-- - I -.---- .~ -?- ~~~V:i Ii ~f'J1 i lOT IIlK. SEC. TWN_ RGE. 34 21 3 Tract 12-8 of Survey 2/98 n./"'/ "/.,.-.:.l , (Tract 3 of S.P.#595 A.F.#396848) Tnat ptn of the SE, 34-21-3 W,W.M., particularly daf: COMMENCING at the SE corner of sd Section 34; th N 00037'47" W along the E I ine of sd Section, 1959.39' to the S I ine of the N 1/2 of N 1/2 of sd SE; th N 67057'21" W along sd S line 960.00'; th S 08017'40" E 1119.42'; th S 57046'58" W 150.00' to the TPOB of this descr tr; th N 57046'58" E 75.00'; th N 10057'07" W 398.27' +- to 8 pnt on the c/I of that certain Catfish Lake Easement Agreement recorded 5/16/77 A.F.#328401; thalong sd c/I S 64031'38" W 89.78' +- to a pnt which bears N 13022'12" W from the TPOB; th S 13022'12" E 403.32' +- to the TPOB. -.-- --. ~~--=,~- F 5?;0' ,1'1 "";~ H_'~~' '> '" -f 'j, Jt, "''''' 6 /3--l-<.~ .l-f v.-y (9Ut) da-f: ))'n~ s-. ..Jv-J,,- ldwzl>-\.c,- A, ::J(,.I..J<I, ~..:t"<-6 :::;~l-<cpf~ ~~ ;Ja ~,-,--.L{J