HomeMy WebLinkAbout321347590120 r-- """11III Y.a~ I -file No. -T-~--~-' - I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /'1cJ SALE PRICE Rei. I ~cf1. I PQrt PUD 1 fPD I I - / /l'n U .lL __42ml. _,James A. Brix et al 1 ,02 S 3 5 L H {,I56199-- ?JJ8 ~0362 Fair:view Estat ~s nc 5941~ ~/78_ 350456 /~ Jose S. Turla .t d ~13500 ~< %,t1 = " , ,y~t?' " : ,.- . I' n --:::::.. -.'- - -...--'----.:' --. - - - Gs"E.l':::!. "u4C"/r!.....> ;<4t. i-??~ZL .~ ti...15~ .;f"Y(Sh~ /1 " 1.<J.ia -- --- , -- -- , ,..". ", ,r NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year I Oyster Timber Unlmprov4ld Improved 'Ii- S./~ ~J A A ~.OcJ E3 I~ TOTAL I I . b,f() ---L_ Oyder Timber Unimprond Improved Improvements (Bllildin",s) B. of E. VALUE ~/h ../. () 0 /.3 (J,o.., .:?::JOO POOO /30tM) :?d ttJeJ R060 - ---. -- --- ---- - LOT SEC. I BlK. TWN. RGE. ,f~ ll~ h?;C;,q/j; /.-lif\1 34 21 3 Tract 12 of Survey 2/98 * (j;-.... ~~ That por. of the SE of Sec 34-21-3\J, H.M. particularly desc as follows: Connnencing at the SE cor of sd Sec 34; th N 00037' 47" W alg the E line of sd Sec 34, 1959.39' to the S line of the N-} of the-Nt of sd SE.t; th N 87056'21" \J alg sd S line 960.00' to the pob of the tr of land hereby desc; th cont N 87056' 21" W alg_sd-S line 250.00'; th S 13022'12" E 1230.00'; th N 57046'58" E 150.00"; thN'8017'l,O" W 1119.42' to the pob; Excepting therefrom rd rlw Ex: Trs 12-A, 12-B, 12-C (Tract I of S.P.#595 A.F.#396848) That ptn of SE, 34-21-3 W,W.M., particularly daf: COMMENCING at the SE corner of sd Section 34; th N 00037'47" W along the E I ine of sd Section, 1959.39' to the S I ine of the N 1/2 of the N 1/2 of sd SE; th N 87056'21" W along sd S line 1210.00' to +he TPOB of this descr tr; th S 87056'21" E along sd S line 125.00'; th S 10057'07" E 775.29' +- to a pnt on the ell of that certain Catfish Lk Easement Agreement recorded 5/16/77, A,F.#328401; th S 64031 '38" Walong sd c/I 89.78' +- to a pnt which bears S 13022'12" E from the TPOB; th N 13022' 12" W 826.68' +- to the TPOB / ..-- ~-- ~".-...... -- ---- ~ -, - - .". -.,>0----- , ' "".-- .ctt.37'101..s- S/r. ~'[' ;,<> C-,-r to ~~ a ;3.~~.e/ ~(sJ..~ .ztd JoSE' S ~RJI'? 1Ju.tf'(},ft9 /I. 77;;t<? t d r.L p t!" E If T~ IVI) -r;jlll Ff)o ;;: If E/VE 7191'16- /) 0 ..... ~