HomeMy WebLinkAbout321343290030 r- ...':ch. rI ~g3 """II Year I -File .~o_ --r--w .._----- - I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS l(j/ SALE PRICE Rd. ~Ilt;lrt PUD I FPD I r - '1 #55633 1/78 338530 Himl ie ProDerties. Inc. I 40 S 315 L H #':J J?88Q --...-. 5/78 l12J..LL ~lte Construction, Inc. OP, $23800 'h'L 3$(;,117 l?-, ~ IIL.Jl. 71, t. -- -4 "j"" ;HA,l .$ ~ b/$J8 ~ J.5'.5~D Tfi1 I~b!jt,/PJJ It'~.fl/J - ,'7.... /.~.; Jl I _) ,/ <-."7I7r{) $ :i;3'", H6~SJO 11,,,,, 1!f:;, :!I.f~L1'.z. .2i, ',,/. /../. /I. .-u-k..C" '.\ . "" r300s .rfiL,'I"/M I<V-J - ~----~- --. -_. - ---- f-- . . . .....-. .. .. -L NUMBER OF ACRES Year f Oyster r limber I I VALUATIONS '11-_. 'lJ'. 'l.f.. < ,.. /'-. 1! .6:2. tlv,.L-JO~- I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I 1 Oyster fi: 1Ji 5-;l.9 ~~ ,LL. .c.t. . Lf.. J. L/ /) /. $LO Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements (Buildings) D. of E. VALUE ~/7S' .4/'75" r>d/.. S-4t,(J) /0&5" /.o.s::5'" - ,5.5"t:){p "'-Kif,.. 5..90/0 IS"/S"tJ ~OdOIl 75F'c':,-t; ~_. ~_. --------. ---1-,-- SEC. TWN. RGE. r - LOT SLK. ,34 . 21 3 Tract 3 of NE SW & NW SW r/Zt~ 1 " That ptn of the S 1/2 34-21-3W.W.M., daf: Commencing at the W 1/4 corner of sa See~n as shown in Vol. 2 of Surveys, pg 98; th S 890 47' 44" E I 474ya(g the E-W c7'I"'ElJ..sd Section; th S 000 00' 03" E 150.15' to the cll of dr.J..veway and the TPOB; th S--O-~' 03" E 250'; th S 89047' 44" E 91.13'; th.S....e06 00' 03" E 255.11' to the S line of t~1/2 of the NE SW of sd Section;~N'890 56' 09" W 237,78' alg the sd I ine to the W..~e of sd NE SW; th S 00.:,.....0;2. 38" W 162.66' alg sd W 1 ine to the cll of Mason Lke Co. ~~ N 390 51' 28~""W 166.51' alg sd road c/l; th NWly on a curve to the right havin~~aJV.us~f 520.1 I' thru a central angle of 170 48' 07" and alg an arc length oj....--~6.~60'; th N 220 03' 21" W 65.56'; th NWly on a curve to the left havin~Faaius of ~~4~ through a central angle of 450 38' 42" a~d a I g an ar,:>--I'ength of 209.09'; th. N'Q4~6' 03" E 58.46' a I g the cll of dr I vewaYj...-th....NE I y on a curve to the right hav'~fl~ rad I us of 97.92' thru a centra I .9~g-re of 480 36' 41" and a I g an arc I ength of 8'9. 08'; th N 730 22' 44" E 28e-:'70'; th NEly on a ct1rve to the right having a rad~o-f-...l47.38' thruycentral angle of 250 02' 00" and alg an arc length of 151.78' +~to lEes. ---3> NEW DESCRIPTION (Tract A of Short Plat #383) AI I that ptn of the S 1/2 34-21-3W.W.M., daf: Commencing at the W 1/4 corner of sd Section 34; th S 890 47' 44" E 1474.78'; th S 000 00' 03" E 225.15' to TPOB; th N 000 00' 03" W 75' to cll of certain ease described in AF# 338530 alg sd cll 575' + - to cll of Mason Lke Co. Rd; th SEly alg sd cll tap which bears S 680 i5' 52" W from POB; th N 680 15' 52" E 460.41' + - to TPOB. ~ ~ 'O/-z.,<..(I + 51,'5 .. .-.. .. w~~ 19"-I.$d - .... ...oIIII