HomeMy WebLinkAbout321341390010 r=.--------.--.-.- ---,--.:._- -., Ve.. I File No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I I 0 SAlE PRICE .. f"ty' 'UD '-f'O I "75,r~JQ '000 I(.E.te~~y_doO ---'- "" -5 }jsJLL5#. ..- Jj79 ~tba@.l___ _IJOhlJ_.1.~.!lJ)~.i-SI'~ X __I_l_LI'_1#66 I 51 . / . t J . , l ,.."1'"..1 I J. _ I l~f'j~~ t}----- ~Timberland' Investo'r-=r::Xc anre--Jn<;:. . _ #n7R96 . ~__~===~__==.~- _ ____ ~ Yfd~ S 3 ~~~ . ~ J~~J_{~~j______. ~)C. Y''tl _':. I-t liS? , R; '.:fL -'" r.3~g 7-1. a / 1- - , " -- ..- NUM;ER ~F ACRES' " . I '.:. TOTAL 11,-1 Oyster I limber V^LUATIONS -L Year 1 Oyster Timber I Unimproved Improved Unimproved I Impt~v.d Impr?.,~m.nh I (8uildIllQ1) B. 01 E. VALUE IT----c---- ld>~ '"'''' r:;-:;;;;:"t" '~n. ~ '1'1 ...~...../'v .....".~ ~()..::;,1 ~DO /..Il~ 1'/0 .fi"~ Iq 70 C)} /~ <:: - #/a .5~ liro "';)/Io~ 8.n. 'h5 -5.ib r?3 -1--:-----1----- - --~ --, < ~ -- ,/ V\ --1---- .A-f7. I'( /1- // ,~ I 1__.- J 1--- i : 1------- ---~---+-- ---.-. ----- ---1---- ____nO ----1---- / / / LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. RGE. 34 21 3 J3~I'3lf /3 'j (J'd (lot Tr. I of SW NE .\. -.- Q/2'1;/ . ~t/-Z.I-~ Beg LQ[l i ng at the SW cerner ef SW NE, 34 ::; I 4; thence N 00000' 03" E a leng the W I i ne.ef- said SW~N~29.32' to. the cll ef Mickelsen Co. Rd; thence N 56000'43" E alo~g_thec/l ef said Rd, 144..97'; thence S 89047'44" E 1145.53' to. the Eline ef sgJd-SW NE; thence S 01024'31" W alengsaid Eline ef said SW NE 2iO.84' to. the SE ceFneref said SW NE which bears S 89047'44" E fr~'Hie-'oo~b; thence N 89047'44" W ~I,en'gfhe S line ef said SW NE 1260,55', more er less, to. the pc . T'ha.t-p.tn_ef the SW NE 34-21-3W.W.M..,....rylng-S,kY,ef Mickelsen Co.. Rd daf.; ColTTT1encing at the SWcorrrer~e.f_s<:L.sW NE;_tflS890 47' 44" E~a.Lg~the.S~I.ine.Cif-sd SW NE 847,25' to. TPOB; th N 010_~3'1'''~E-'31'5~8?~;-!b"~_1.8'<>-48'-2S''''''P'.2~2'; th N 450 56' 09" E 383.74' to. C!L,..cf MickElLsen--Ce:-Rd; th N 640-16'..25~Ealg s1J~GL.l83.58' tap en the E I i~e~Qt:::-~SW-NE;th SOlo 24' 3[" W alg sd Eline 841:42'-te.SC'c~~r ef SW NE ""irch. bea rs. S- 89~. 47 '- 44 "- E "f.r:em-1=f'!0B;-#1-N~89~47-1-44l1..W-'-4I'3-.~o-'-+--to-TPOB;- "-.. (New Tract I ef Shert Plat #782) AI i that ptn ef the SW NE 34-21-3W.W.M" lying Sly ef Mickelsen Co.. Rd, daf; Cemmencing at the SW cerner ef sd SW NE; th S 890 47' 44" E alg the S line ef sd SW NE 847.25' to. TPOB; th centinuing S 890 47' 44" E alg S line 282,62'; th N 360 18' 36" W 292.89'; th S 710 24' 31" W 110' tap which bears NOlo 24' 31" E frem TPOB; th SOlo 24' 31" W 200' +- to. TPOB, ~~ g/3z.., :.'- ~.. ~ ~