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Y.., Flle No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /.30 SALE PAICE: Rd. 8oh. Porl PUD FPD - - ----5.f 1".782 J. G. Luhrman 1 .3QS ~ 3- ...k SF - If'" ,-/U#r?V d'/j~~ S- it ~ !J~.317,r ~ t.?" /7.-7 .. - -/ cO' ./), . d ... ~ .5G'7 1& 7 {. wd - - - - 1,11~ f}"u'/'/ if. I0h.r,:f .d-?if U "t1J./:l.. ~~ JJ-IAAj (pg2{J ~$; ""-"S";o/" "'",,, !!/J!L -;:. - .In Pi . -If m. " 1)6 ,""+/.5',,- :; ..:50,,-., 8- 75' 'Jo~'lSo RCW 84.33 m. ?S()~7;: I{J /..~iIz,;t.-i 1/ 6t! 0 ,g .t1" S9.3.3.y . , 3;7.5",,, - - - - - - - I-- - - .......- .'...-----... ------ ---..... -- -- - --~._---_.-:.-._-~---;"'---------- --- -- - -----... ------...._---_._----~---~~...;:.~ __I . . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS 9'.,;;20' I~ Year Oyat.r Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved Improvemtlllota ~ (Buildings) VALUE 53. 40,0 11 . / l2 ..;c..",... . , ~: ,y,{J,OO 1t~oo r' 300 3cJO 40. OD IfD. 0 0 .;2.,p 0 d-.O 0 - ~ "..?~ 1? ';;.6 tJ .;<'.50 !d .i/Ol m) c)() I ~ '?/O 7/0 I!l . , '1511 9.5!J 70 ~ fh /9tJO ;9 (')0 ZL ....5%/12 5J'/O 7/ "L I? J ~ /9",tlh /}1t'J/J ?2:.. l' / / 1~~55" /S30 /J'Jb' , - Z1. !;f, 5330 551'-0 ':</0 - q' il: luo% - /t??bO /o~~o 1.5 . "16. oa rlO,ou ho 7~o - Jl.Cw 114.aa - 70 P35 t?3S- 7/ /O/() /0/0 . LOT BlK. ,.. SEC. TWH. RGE. :'~ifl~/VJjd~m \ >--. .. ---. CLASs. FORES'!' b1Q 21 3 NE NE "-llCW 1l4.ad jl",/ ~ ~ -Yt- I j I.' NUMBER OF ACRES I. VALUATIONS . . I/), ,jt> Year Oyster Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAl. Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved ImprOYIHnGnh B. of E. (Building,) VALUe 1L. FORES '/(; ,p'l ~;()tJ /050 /OSO I-- RC IN """ '711 r:l.A 9'9~ 7' 7'n 80 10 (P.s- I()(,.S" ?1 40.00 ..f(), OD //.;<.:) I/';;"'S' ~;l "FA' b FOREST ~ 01 t> ,;;( cJlO 83 <9./':<0 ~ /-R c.J - tl/ ~o, 00 '1-0,00 ~/~O .:?/ 5' i> is. ---- --- .2/:;'0 .:11 :20 1-' -- - --- - - - :