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Ye.r File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 190 BALE PRICE! Rd. Soh. P... PUO FPO I-- - ....2 Pope & Talbot Inc. 1 Ihoc s 'I ~ SF 2L 27f'#f D.E.S.lGN.6TE'O .5 iL '1sL 197770 -PR/J0V~) ~- tz; 7(" 3~( ~ ~tUa~ -:i~;k/r I ~ rfx/t}V . - - ~CJ1 1/,;211'-// xio!?,f'/7 00 ',%" <l17;(tP-c ~~4~ ~ . ! .::JdI.-4- ~ ~rf2 '#7(,,37 1-rP~.(.- /} . _ AU. .~-A -L, ,u, '73:;-/.s-/ , 'lCP - - -' - n_ . - - . - - . . . .. .-== .._.~-:-------~-------~----- - ,. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS /43. "lR Ye.u Oyswr Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unlmprond Improved Improvemenb B.ofE. , (Bulldln'.),. VALUE ~ ' 3(Jf() ,3 It) tJ r,-iJS 53 BI...f5o :tc. go 7$0 7..s- 0 :if.. '3b,t'o Iq". ,(0 ~KC,,c; ]..;{~~5" . ~ 3b.?~ _~h .l?tf ' 9S,j .98'0 ~ ts:Jl[,?t ~'&.g:R& ~~ ~3 ~t,c. t- !/)'I- ;2.3 t/(p() ;U t./t. 0 c,.. ,;,;;;9'1'5 ,,1;2 9<1:; , ~ b!a. 1(,,730 1(,730 " P-s ~ ":?oj'//l ,,;1<19/6 ~1 /;l,!i'ft:; It/liD 3/.37;;- IJ.. 71/.tJ 1/1 7 J?j) ;?~!J -^)/J &'9 (;;2C;:XD G,2t;9r. 9'L/o If/yo /9'7,;10 70 - 9;, /9 ,'?(1 375"" .?' 91-/;(1/ ~ ZL --i7- 11'.1",.0 .t7 I :;J.~/!'J 70 PJ7. 17P;;r; JY?t:"~ 30 LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. ROE. ". rye:' ry, ":l .. W 1\::l5l1d.6~~Q ,...- H',.,H...o .q,,,.+inn* DESIGNATED '7/:1'0.... " i- 'i , i . ~.<._~ ,~ ~ . -'1 .. 'i-- ~ 1. -. 'w_ ~'.'...-.- ".~ --- ~~.-_... , " .-J ~,..- ---. . , " - -- -_.~! -i ~'''''--j'''' -"-'~"<~'-:''''''''''''''''''''---'''''--.~''' '.'-'-'-_.- ! ;.,- 'J.r~ .-i r."':;;:;~"i~! f.....'~~",...J~ . '--~--~-:i:>~,,:~:~~=:-" '~'';~'-Fa ,"" ~-- .~-.__________.___*.,.______C_>>_ - ;, EX'J~1 R.. R}~i::~&'h / / . i ..' -~...._~~ ._. . ,-...--' ..1... ,.' f- _.T_'_'_' i .... I -..i i_ , I , .' : i -~.---.~__o" T'~~''''r' ........,...... -..~ ','"'- .\:1~~J1:.:~~'..:....._ ~ , . ...........!- -.-,. - I ~.--:.-- ~.;" /76'- q(,Z Acres_- 3315 3/55 " - :<350 ,,7 3 <70' Acres:' ';~~~ 500 II _ 167::> gtj~ " _ 61-;;- _ 0.75' .3&0 " _ .;)./'10 ,;l. 5"0 "i 6 "" Sf? <) ,,- a" 3/!;> " -- -;;LII~) .;< 7 ~f7' " I~ '" "-ClO __1.6.. .,;.) ._. " --:. 180J /o~ 0 -1010 3~O 12 5"7~ //fo I '...., .0- ,;z5,!} I-J.;l ~ t-- -~ -. , 77&,f> .NE.NE -- 40.00 NW NEi-.., 40.00 St-NEt.~:..; -80.00 NE NWr~-.--14.00 NW NW: -- 1+0.00 , ' -SWNWj4'-- 36.80 -SE NW*-- 35:..00 NE SW -- 1+0.00 - NW SW:*-- 40.00 stsw- 80.00 SE --160.00 -J .~:. '. : /0 '73 " ,;??Z;-?-i)91 <) , .'.' =3 I e., ITTI-1+rn . ~.- NUMBER OF ACRES t VALUATIONS /6a'.,;J.( Y.ar Order Tlmb., UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber UnTmproYlld Improved Imf:ov.ments I. of E. I ul1dln9l} VALUE 73 DES!GNNr€llo ~.:S - 7~tl')5 7J' ,ft:J- 1~7?~ 11. /tltI % - ,n /'9ydlo rji h,~S5 """ a .;1;,/, :;4.27S 1i. ~ ;Jh ;~ - ;U,7~ :?'J.- , fJ~ ~~ 1]S' ~ bZl. .!J!, ~ t;,Z?,$ -:2:!Z'L'7-'" .~~ 79 .., :Y7Sa .3/7~ go ~t/-d.1j.f) 3 Lj.;J, t/-() ~I hn,~<; 02Z,~S;' 3h 110 Sh (/0 ~ DES FOREST , . .5/0790 S'/.:<96 83- 5,/&-t'~ .s- t/;I.[' 5- 2:L ~~:;.r;-.,,- l.~"'.rs. 5"$lf' 30 S'Yt'3o 15- It:;3QI....,-f- oS ':3fN ,..,-