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You File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS J.$' tb SALE PRiCe Rd. Soh_ Port PUD ~~ <;2 ~~ P. M. Piller 2 10 1 ~ i.t! W q< jl~d) p- J~ ~ ;L @f. .L b ~c: " ;.>'--..2.2/0"" 7~ 303 'I{i! . FOREST"/ v '#!I- 1L if L .L L .L Fz pew sw~'\ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - . - - - _h_."'.;;.;....C_.~::.______________ '. -------------------- -- ---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ~ffo Year O)'.ter Timber Unimproved Improvoo TOTAL Oyster Tlmbor UnImproved Improved Improvemenu B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 5-' lI-() 0 4--o,/y' ;J..oc- ...2,00 1'1'1 -Y'tJ. CI{) ?to,{)O 3 cJ t'J 3dd .;--J " ~ 0.0 () ;",--'1 LJ ;? fCJ ?(-o, 0 0 L/ ';/; :.',-{) 351J ~ --) ,; k.' ...... It? =3 '. '/ /'16 (:. /5'5J ....- ,'-' 1t,'9 'iJ,60 410. l- cJ - /;;; ~ 0 /~ '/0 :; dC' ;.. ;/(1cJ ;/ /.! .~cJ '-. 171 :?:J !)" g~tJt) 7,;,) f(,~ 7&tH'} 770S 2> 7~D /"'1 --, . -:'/.50 //' /'0 74'60 17/ M-O% - (.;IDcJO ~;,. . I</oCJO 174' ~, FORESt I-/Q ,00 'fo -00 /5fno J,'; t. () 6d 3l 7"", 17,;;{o /7;;(0 177 dO>!,., ,?<a2!"Q ~I , I ,~. {, () -1/ (,,() LOT BLK. . - - . u' j I I .' NUMBER OF ACRES Year Oyder Timber I 7CJ CLASS. PORES': .LL1---RGli' 0.00 .1Q ..& l~- ~~ g'f ~- Unlmprond Improved 'it) .Of} 1;)0,/10 . ~ "OUS%' "ltJ. (){) --- 1- --- - ---+- t/o.oo 'I tUl cJ Oyster I I I I I I I VALUATIONS /&_.Ro Timber Unimproved Impro....d Improvlmlnts 8. of E. (Buildingsl VA\.UE ~o4:; 0I01j{) .;;1.;:)..00 d;)..6D ;23;;'0 ;1,3 ~O .:;J,~OO .;? o/<::J 0 ';<.3 IC' .<...3 /.s- ;1360 d?3bO ;<3/S' ,;? .3/.5:"" " :'--