HomeMy WebLinkAbout321052490140 / Vear File No. I NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .3.5 (') SALE PRICE Rd. l2.s.!!:...j Port PUD!FPD I~ I HI 4/71 258887 Jim Shumate, et ux 2 40 1 6 L Ie.' 27JJ5{" ~:i ,n 'f. m,,'-/; .A tr 3.3'-<..:>7 1JJL ,., 7:;- 3o;a'l~Y ~w A43:i H '6hc. 3a'J'bC, ~74/' '.. Jf.i'1, .IJ if- , ~../!. W2;2 - .' .0 ~ 3jqq6/ ".'.1 '" nr.l)! ~. .1:. j IA -t1: 11 "1'/7 '/- f</11 I ".re. Alfh h I~,~ .)f? L/ I 'l'jIMO ~ ?Ill p';;I?371 " " . I 1/ . II 7}~o 17q~q"yJ'.1. JJ,(.~l"..-I.; -4 J~'J (I " n " 9/82 406788 Donald H, Knudsen et ux{Maraie if / Wot! I (" l- ff wn 17,)',2 1//()(}7.f' 11aA... ~'^l.Ll.1'; l , r,;, ~./I-. .Ii -=-5'.:><1'1'" ./." . .<' ,,' fu. 4{~3 70S. . 'flr.Wu, /'h /;, .. .L... r'~. ~ . " v " ( ~ 1')(1 (I '11 t~a37 -'Sf! /~5 "N&7r,.L 11 /J~c;(roIc O.{!" /./11-1 c7 ',.. . .. ''''l_ , ._-_. . - - . - .~._+ .. '1 I NUMBER OF ACRES I VA~~:T10N~- - .- , b. b.'O Yellr I Oyster I Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oydor Timber Unimproved I Improved IlmPfovemenh I 8. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ..- 1L ~02~ .y!.:2S- R50 J?50 Z2. KrRO 740 J',;l 0 '1U RP .so n..I_ '790 /ATD 1'# /do <;0 - /fft. f'S /M~ 11.5' c~~;. F.:?~ES'I 14. .;zS 4..2.5 /~h~ /65 12kf- /po /?CJ IT -f.. .vntc 1) ..:t j.z E; .::l ( :z.S 17'.f' ' 1.:< 5'tJ tj,;; 5 "9 9.,1 'I:zS Lj,.,z S' 1:2. 76-6 I';; 75(J '1::- ~ :r ')~ --I '}. 5' - /'1 :27.s 5"';/'00 .:< '1'1 7~ /.00 ~c, S6r.:; Z,~'is' 2,'6~ 1003S 0- /0, t:J 3S- I , , i 1 1 I lOT IlLK. 1':'1 ' . .IIQ<:; ~ ~O' r.;I;:' . ,.., 1\..11 ! , SEC. TWN. RGE. . ~. ---- - . 'c . --".J ~~".. - P' '- ,-....- . lU EX. of -- ~ r ...._ .-- , -~ .~ <. .. .-~--- r, ,- rORMGIiL,-y 5 330' /VLJ SGA/tJ , --- ---. <-~ \ That ptn of the SE NW of 5-21-3 W,W.M., in Mason County, Wa, daf: , COMMENCING at the NW corner of sd sid; th S 87019'27" E along the N, I ine of sd sid l 50.05' to the ell of the MeReavy Rd (Co. Rd #5767); th S 5006'44" W alq>ng sd ell 320.62' to the TPOB; th S 86053'39" E 621.90'; th N 4044'28" E 325.21' 'to the N line of sd sid; th S 87019'27" E along sd N line 351.87'; th S 4044'28" W 6~7.99'; th N 860 53'39" W 975.82' to sd county rd ell; th N 5006'44" E along sd ell 33~.20' to the POB. ..~ ---- __ .~ "'l N<..J 5e"u4J The ~Iest 380 feet of the following described property: That partioD of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest qu!rter of Section 5. Township 21 North, Range 3 West, W.M.. in Mason County, Washington, described as follows: Cor~lt'lEtICH:G at the !lorthwest corner of said subdivision. thence South 87" 19' 27" East along the North line of said subdivision 50.05 feet to the centerline of the McReavy Road (County road No. 5767); thence South 5" 06' 44" West along said centerline 320.62 feet to the TRUE PO lilT OF BEGHHUNG; thence South 86" 53' 39" East 621.90 feet; thence r:orth 4" 4t:' 28" East 325.21 feet to the North line of said subdivision; thence Suuth 87" 19' 27" East along said North line 351.87 feet. thence South 4044' 28" West 657.99 feet. thence North 86053' 39" West 975.82 feet to said county road centerline; thence North 50 06' 44" East along said centerline 330.20 feet to the POINT OF BEGIflllING. EXCEPTING THEREFROl-l that portion of the Southeast Quarter of the r:orthwest quarter of Section 5. Township 21 North. Range 3 West, WJ1.. in t~ason County. Washington, described as follows: Cmil~ENCING at the rlorthwest corner of said subdivision; thence South 81" 19' 27" East along the North line of said subdivision. 50.05 feet to the centerline of the McReavy Road (County Road No. 5767); thence South 50 06' 44" West along said centerline 320.62 feet; thence South 86" 53' 39" East 621.90 feet to the TRUE POHlE OF BEGIW1IflG; thence !lorth 40 44' 28" East 325.21 feet to the North line of said subdivision; thence South 870 19' 27" East a10ng said North line 351.B7 feet; thence South 40 44' 28" West 657.99 feet; thence North 860 53' 39" West 308.93 feet; thence Neirth 030 39' OB" East 330.02 feet; thence North B60 53' 39" West 36.58 feet to the TRUE POUlT OF BEGINNING. S~BJECT TO an easement for ingress. egress and utilities over, under bnd across the South 30 feet. i ALSO, EXCEPTING THEREFROM county road right of way as shOl'ln on the official map for the McReavy Road No. 5767 on file in the office of the Mason County Engineer as of the date April 5. 1971.