HomeMy WebLinkAbout320333400120 ,.. Yeo, file No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ?'c~ I SALE PRICE Rd. 5ch. I Port PUD I FPD I I ... 'ff""b'" 70 252367 Georve E. Collett 3 42 S 3 4 L H $500 jOt" .2~-'ffrq 11' , , t,.,>-, j)." " fl I ,1-/,;;. s ., .!L ..L 1L '#- :J..V-;'ffj /~SA:I, 'PA', ffl AMJ} if.71J./Jllf.' J ^ -f cd - IJ^ ~';'3/Jg '/15 2,Qsq1g <l 7"0" 'Df,.. C;f~*1{ :mn ~. '/"'0 7n~ PP. ~ I .J 7q 35t0Jb ~ ~ ./i/ / ~.J!,' .~ .,tiLJ(), ) tI j' ~t:J.:?O?1? /..;,'e," c3 ~()U (I I I . . . ~- .. ._._.~. - NUMBER OF ACRES H VALUATIONS Yeaf Oyst.r Timber Unimproyed Improved TOTAl. Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved !lmPf'ovements I S. of E. (Buildings) VALUE - 70 ,;). ;; I ];t. 50% /70 170 7/ //Jt11? /tlcJo 7) 1 ?~ - 117 d (l ~.f;l() 7/16 _j,"..{/ I - 7t; /6~ ;6 ,;l 000 /-P7,J? () /5"7,.p r? -it, :?(}O() /t;., 9:?() /9.936 gJ ,y'" , )..;1, i: "" 0 :<1390 373'j() ~'1 I f (}tJe) ;;I. 9'1(}tJ 37<Md LOT BLK. - ~ SEC. TWN. RGo. t '~~~Ii"GL~. ~i 4i {\ ri ;. , - .. ,'_. . .' _~~ ,'. . 0"_.' " _ '. '~_ > ~~,., "-<"--"'"" .,?-.....--~,...... -..."'"...~.._.....~-""~~_.-. -" .> ""~."...- . '-~.~-. ( Commencing at the intersection of the Ely R/W lines of the Cole Read and Cook Plant "j Farm Road and the S line of SE SW; thence E, along said S line, 552.5'; thence N, parallel with the W line of said forty, 424', more or less, to the Sly R/W line of Cook Plant Farm Road and I.P.; thence S, parallel with the W line of said forty, 167'; thence E, parallel v6th the S line of said forty, 62.5'; thence N, parallel with the W line pf S'lid forty, 168.52'. more o~ ;les", to the Sly R/W line of said Cook Plant Farm Road thence Wly alons said Slv R/W linp, 62.5', more or less, to J.P. _._ - ua_ "..~ .. " ,