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Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 70 SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD - - - - - - 6'5 Don Nye '< 42 S 3- ~- -.1 - ? ~ , JO.. 00 hLO d zf'-:, /. .1'1 Q ~ .:2.. 1 ~ fL .~ I"'" ~ [';{-5'/?(y; X'J ..L f:1:<,CPl -;/; /7:7 "'- -=-..1/ tJ' / I ")CX 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I- - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -I -=a i.:"':d::l - - - -- ... - -0.-,.'__ ".'"---,-,"",,- --.=;~ , -- - . - .. ., .. -"... NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS .:re,,' , Unimproved I Improvemenh 8. of E. O)'$ter TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Improved (Buildings) VALUE ,,~ /, ~- 0 ..1;-;t;O "',SO /t) /5'0 /t. '10 I,!' 5'..C? _ /..., ~ <;"~ ~ /ff5 ..s:;?///J dt,U~ __ J." .,J. bD ..y, ,~~~ Ii" /,}.!J ~ , ..15 ;l;' :J7b dt/./ ~ 7[, 7,3 t/ /, ;;; () ,r,~ .J. ?J "0 R/ /,;10 500 ~o &,S-~O 72- /,-5',"7 /~ ..:In ....5.IJ!J ..y.;z ;;1..0 -k.505 z:; 1ft ,1'0 //.,5(') .5110 , -'I';;'~a... &.fS[) . ! ~ /"'O~ 1 ~33~O :J 7 Qt5 - B~oo /~o (). 75 ~ &// . ! /;7,{,"/'O Y/;Soo /33~o 71:. , ,~O70 :2.fL12f2 3,;) 0 f(J ~ .- 'i.N g. K'f 7ftJl.Q__ '" 3o~ lf7tOcJ_ ,-.. .. R/'IF &'1 J/( /15 '170 1f7:?oo 15Y7~O [/I '1. ?'1 ? ?LJ ! 10"190 1'lJ>N> 5F79tJ f/:i" /()CJ9o 5->>'OD td 3 7qa- -- LOT BLK. f'<I..A{y..c;..;~-Zl ~lJ9:. 'J{'j , - SEC. TWN. RGE. - - ..'-~. .' ". -- . - Beginning at a point on E1y R/W line of Cole Road which is 1121.05' Nand 28,.06' E of SW corner of section "; thence N 6720' E 670', more or less, to Wly R/W line of Northern Pacific Railroad; thence Sly along said Wly R/W line 1420', more or less, to Ely R/W line of Cole Road; thence Nly, along Ely R/W line, 1140', more or less, to I.P. r.~. .-.".,,;; ._ ._..- ~~> - -;.;.~~;-:~*~~ ,,~,,~--:.)-l.~:~"''' ~'_'~-_:::;"""'-"'--"~:"--,-.~~:~~-~~---";' .___! E.",~- .>~O:< 2/3 / (