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Y." File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 7 0 SALE PRICS Rd. Be'. Port PUD FPD ~ ------ .....5..8..- 171982 Vernon L. LaMarsh .:L 42 ~2.lt_~_ "'ff {,f Irl1. (PJl- ./.. ...p' 11?/67?' -:;z;;- ~ (J.7fZa. _~7 /J ' f#~ - - /~-.52!" . ..iL 1/7/.??~ J'( L U s 3 1- L 1L I t/ O/(,(;() "/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - 1-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~"!J-'''~. . ., ..-:- .....-.',>',., ,.. '. .. . ~.,,,,,..., -'''~'.,,'''' ....:..-:~-'_._" > '-'<-'~-""'" -Q-- - ---- ...--......... - ., . ,. , d ...- NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA nONS Yeer ()Yd.r Timber Uftlmpl1lYtd Improved TOTAL Older Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (BuildIng.) VALUE .iX. A30 .-13 d :30 60 -roo 0(,30 01.30 ..30- d/9o ~.;J';}:b 61 :1.30 ~,3o /00 .;?/ 90 ~9o k2:. ~,,3o .:J"qo 100 3S'S-o '3 t,s-"b fz!L .;;, ~ 0 ~.2o /00 ds5"o 3fo:' 0 ii, .-; 5/{ /.,2!J ~.//...f; ~-5.t,o L-;; / /J,! /- ,;~ ",~d,tJ . ..j/j J/~ ..y -7'3. -i -'lA~,j '" , .2f2 - -2,,;J.() ;/,r:(:") )/)% - /~Oo .f ,3?? (') /0;;(7/0 7;1 ;7, ..:l:Y,'J r) 177<10 ,;2eJ SiD /CTC /) , 7'- 3.nO 3/ .Ps/O 3 5C.~() ?J .:< ;{ 0 ~~(; //000 Sf ~t10 7 tJ .;' tJ () t,7 /I ()O 0 tt{,.zoa 77;200 WI .:<',;, (I ~ -.. /laoC! ~t.;;'M 77;(06 ...., -' , LOT BLK. t"QO:~~ e.::J/~ 1 , , IEO. TWN. RaE. . ~.. ..~ , - ~~ ,- .- ;~ , -. '- ,,-' .. ~ir'~:'525 ","," WD # 1739$Zn,. --. '"~~~,..,,.. 7"':\ Commencing at the NW corner of the NW~ of the SW~ of ))-20-) WWM, thn S, the W line. of said forty, 657.)' to the pt of begn of the tract of land hereb desc.j tha continue S. along said W line of said fort~,400'j thn E, parallel with.the N line of said NW~ of the SW~, 250', thnN. parallel with the W. line of said forty, 400' thn W, parallel with the N. line of said forty, 250', more orlless, to the pt of bgn, excepting therefrom, however, public road RjW. ;.:;....-::~~...~., "",.--=- ,'~