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Y.., FII, No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /30 SALE PRice Rd. .... Port PUO FPO <;2 9641+7 Louis Herzog ::; 2Q2 s .2... L SF ~75 b16;J,12- 7J~ e~J-u4 .t. ~jL07 7'; ~ b7S,5:J ;2, ~ ~hw 6, p/ ..L M "L 3 .!i ..b JL ~3.s- /6~ 7$' 303if/7 ~~C!.., jc!)()j "-- acw ~... - I-- - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----~--------------------~---------------------------------~--~--~--~~--~-----~;-~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ~ Year Oyst.r Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL OYlter Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE ."03 g,g :; f,ts -5'0 ,t:;"'n .k' 57 ;?, ?:, ;??.5- /0 70 1../ q'; R c;- f.%t; 90 96 /./. -2 '~ //,:J //c) -7-; ~' ,;; ,y /33/J J. 5'3-" 7.;2 f~/'5 // /l/i /271') 7~ rlj (; {1 //(J:;; /.2t25 iii . , " .{" I>- /C'd 70 ::.z;;l/D .;; ,;; / C) 117 0;:;;::---;;;:;:', C'OREST !Jt.5 g,&,.::i / " (.,;20 1143a l.erO 7/ {"c?c. r;'-f/j -..-' , Ii? :P ~? (j g.3 0 178 2&5' C~(~5"" - 711 e ,) - g, t'5' 79S 795' ,I't) 1 go 8ice JG?O or '8. ? <;" x: ,75" . <f/eJ 9/0 LO't BLK. ~~~4~~~~ .. SEC. TWN, ROE. .. .<'",. ><,_><2" F - ..., . ~ ~ Bgn at a r~nt on sec line (Srn Boundary) 20.01 clms .. of SE corner of 3~-<.Q-3 lhn N 19.64 chns Thn \v 4.51 chns Thn S 19.64 cJ-ms Thn E 4.51 chns to the pnt of b~n cont 8.85 acres in the SW of the SE of sec 32-20-3 ~ ..'''~ ~.. . I I I '1 I I I I I . . - ---- - ~ NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS pJ?'?J Ye4r I Oyster Timber I Unimproved I Improved TOTAL I Oyst.r Timb.r Unimproved Impr~v.d Improvements 8. of E. (BuildlnQs) VALUE f'). - CLAJ S FOBESl $, t,j-- fl.tS-- ?/S- 7/.s;- ---- --- g3 760 760 11... ??~ p,'i?~ 7'-.5' 7bS ''K 755 {55 -- --- - --- --- ,,--- --, I ---- -- - ---~.~ ------ -- 1._- - -- - .==1 .- ---" ---_.~ --- ---- - - --- ---- 1------ -..-- - --- -- , - , .. . c_. ~:..,.,-, ~----.,.-, , I -.. -'-- '~"'" Y. - '.