HomeMy WebLinkAbout320322400110 \ You File Ho. NAME 01 OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 155' SALE PRICE" Rd. ..... Port PUDIFPD :;;;k- "lsrence O. Wive1l [3 30C ~ 34 L ...I -1-- - ~ ~ 16166' ErneRt R. Fuller Et. Ux. 0,.;': /J- . SF? .P r;/l7.!;--: u" ..6..L kj'j'.u ~- ,fl, ".~ r A7,~' 0 JJ ../~R:l.a. f.;.,..A':'" /7...-)>,s_ A4- /CZ.,7'H '17 J ..-f" !/, ~ dStz-U'h / . / J'( ~ ~ 1.</ L JL ~ .... /.9~ L s... b':>O, 0 !!lu. (.F ';t~ :f' ~j./ .J;/~ /11J'f{' - - - - - - / ~,-- ~)C'\ _ d. J. J - - - - - - r- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ------ .' .,. - .. ~ .. . ,-." '. "~" ,-,.' ~ - .. . ".~~'. ~<<'! '. JIV.,___:': ~-~--~--~---------------------------------------- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS y,.. Oytt.r Timber Unlmprov..:l IMproVed TOTAL Oyltar Timber Unlmprovlld Improved jlmproVlmenh B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 51,-, 1.31 /,31 /0 /0 g /,.;z C. /, ;< ~ /() /0 -22- /- ;1 (; /-,;26 ...50 50 M t;;)..(. I-~ /00 /60 ,< /t:o /71'0 ~ I/ifi L...t;; ~i:>~-"'~ v~ /~ ~ ,J'a .,d . A - -~ ..i1.Aj /d2;!.';- J.L/1t< JZ /,,2 /. /.d~ 3.30 /~~~ '- . ~ ,;;t; ..L{!L /-dl/. S ~Z - /s.I.Ja ,;W~'t> .s? 1'0 2!L /e-d ?;, .:Md'o /4/.:6' /,tJ/(J.~ 7(, ";),,f 3d 17J-6J dO (. ?o JL /,;,<~ J,J.-b !.5'1o 3~OO6 'i.;,C'ICJ k I, ;I.~ I, ?b ~~"Io .36 000 . 'i..<~~ , LOT BLK. _.n "', -~, "'-<' ,.._.,.",-.,.,......':.......~..,' SE of NW 32--20~-3 Beggining at the fence corner , described as the northwest corner of the southeast quarter of the north~est quarter of ~kesection 32, township 20 north, range 3 west,w.M., Thence southerly along old fence line (var. 21030') 329 ft. hence on a bearing of sout~ 690301 East 655 ft. to the true point of beginning and northwest corner of a tract hereinafter described as tract "G"; continue then south 69030' East107 Ft. thence southerly (var. 20027' )531 ft. more or lessto the existing north right- of- way 1ineof the cole road; thence north 45058' west along said north 11ne133.5 ft. thence north1y(20033'~ 474.0 ft. to the true point of begg1ning. . 1'>><'" ~~--,- 0=_."