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. .Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /.!>-5 SALE PRICE Rd, Soh. ~I~ FPO -- ~ 5/~ ,/~~.~ Mae~.FFed;,siGk8eR ~'" -3.1+ 4-- -L- .$1,00. i?, '77 .':d - - ;Y~?l? ~ . I =, .~ ) ~u/' J'I .L M s 3 d ~ 1L :5 b.&-~:S6/ f" -- !In- !;<751 -t;fl. 71;. .J'# -.lI.h'., d-~ - - iL~;'.66 - !n'~ 'uUJl.J ,(~ );,;7u#. JL.tPvJ tl533h5:-6 JJn ,"5/'1 tiS - - - - - - l/i ~ ' :# 7 () i".>J,;,p f() 393/f7 - - - - - - - ~7~,,-/)() 1......-, ~d~/ /7)( ) - - I-- - - - , - - - - - - - -1- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ~~',.,.: ' , " .. " .~_''''''''''r-:'''-~'U'''''''' ,.._y....~"'l.- _-.-. _.........~A ~ . --...... - ""'=---=---.,..'==~- --=--- ~ .... '.', " ..... ". ."- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Vllr Oyst.r Timber Unlm~rov.d Improved TOTAL Oyder TImber Unimproved Improved lmprovemenh B.ofE. (BuildinGS) VALUE .:fl.. j, (pt/ /(.?t/ Yo t'cJ &0 /(,4 /. h'l 2'0 3/0 di'9t:) .f2L I-("~ /-b 7C /.;2,~ 3/0 ~.30 . ~ "",;-:;~- /<:""':; :.. '//" ..5~u '--' / ..... il o? ..:~/ .::;" - .3;9 c) (fl5 '1' //,":; /19 .Ii.-I hi " //Sc:; -;7 %(1 /930 ltJ % rf'ao /.500 '--- ::?3..0o /"0 7&> 1~1() - 1~7() '61 1./..5 , '1'9 /.6</ 6-790 579e> %!L 1.15 ,t,/'j 1.6</ 3 /9' () .5'7M '. , , I :. ~~:'. ROE. .wa3~C~~O:a.gE . ~ , ' - - - . '. . . ,.' ' "F, _"".' ,. ~ _ ,'"" - ,.,.-_, ' .' . '. --..- . ," - ,- ...~,' tC/' ' ',---~:r--";:~_..",.,..' ~",,-,.,.~- - -, """'l:,.:-,..,-,~~-.- '''"If-- -" -~" ~C-"'>1;' _ ~_, _ - ':',' ,!!':'" ."_ . , Beg at an iron pipe marking the center line of Sec. 32; run N. 2015' E. along the W. line of the said SwNE 410 ft.. Thn. N. i# 8501i' e' 890. ft. to the Nw. corner and initial pt. of the Tr. hereby Vesc. hn. S. 20 W. 602 ft. to the N. R/w of cty Rd. "hn. along r/w ~.102.2 ft. tbn. N. 2~ E. 625 ft. to a ;oint which is N. 85015' e. of the initial point+hn.S~ 850 15' vv. 103.5 ft. to said initial point being known as Tr. "I" of the c. wivell Subd. - -f:- -I./( / ) t.J_ (f ,)( '_ I' ,', '.....'.' ~/ / / I ,/> r ;/ ! I~ ,; v' -.1 l_c-........ l , ,~ ~ If'-< <-r