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\ I . Year Fill No. NA.ME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS J.?O SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. ~lpUO FPD _J~ 57 b!5jUj - i Roller construction Co. 3 30 ~ 3 4 L $325. -- h'3 2/J21'iiIJa,"A , ,f:}. ~t-, .;r~ :If .L ]CI'i -5 .? -!i J... iL ~ ~ elf,;z /J>~ .f gh7 - 4- I .; ~.r"',c?"""o.?', - - - - ,;?~ ",,'P/!. / ~ ,,/7 ozr,../ , ",y:.' Jr'-- - - - - - ?t .e2' '5 ~'+,n~ (r/ , bl; P42Cb4.) HbG/ 1/ / r:cu I - -- - - - - - - - , - - - - -- - -. - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I .~\""""r_l'.'" . -,... , , - - 'I'. ....- . .. . ..... ~~-- ...~ -'..... ~ .. ,'. ""........_____.:.=a=""-..._" ~ tJ.._ ___-.0 O<l.l:.. ,,,." . . '. '. "''III.~ ., " NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Vlar Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oytler Timber UnImproved Imprond Improvements B.ofE. (Buildlngl) VALUE Sl- I./F ..iJL ;oS' 106 ..H /./,(1 /./R /;;)..0 / ~t!) .dL. ..;( , ./..,>-, /':c /5,1 .:;.<d /-.,;' il d .5.5 d? -... 6":; LL I ...-5' /: -?'?'t? .y -'/ tJ I 1 z:L ,. '/;; ,.f'rf'd r:f' 60 ~,.) /1 ....,~ II flu 11),-0 ~ ;, Ifi' ),It LlI3a 1'13 (j ';it! I. I!! I. Iff '1/.3 0 "'//30 , , LOT BLK. ~ I ~ "":-~~- .,"- "'..- ~"-,,"t!:,.,.---,,.y~'-.-:- 178 D p- 254 Beg: At an iron pipe marking the center of Sec. 32; thn. N 2015' east along th west line of Sw ne , 410 ft. Thn. no. 85015 ' east 476.0 ft. to the nw corner and the initial point of the tr. hereby desc. Thn. so. 2000' west 487 ft. to th no. r/w of the co. rd. Thn.' along H/" so. 85000' eastl02.2 ft. ~hn. no 2000' ea 506 ft. thn. so. 85015' west 103.5 ft. to th~ initial pont, said tr. being kno as Tr. E, of wivells Subd. ..~-"~=~ -~ --. R(!s;-- ';;':3 {,,f -?,b - t/7 - 17/;tJ /G Co ,'~--- --_._~--~-~-~~ 0. tJ / k../