HomeMy WebLinkAbout320317590041 ,. -;::;r-File No, - r----- . I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 1..33 SALE PRICE t!.A 3903~::J. Rd. $th.IP..,rt PUl?.l fPO I I - 5/79 f-Qona I d L. L'\...w 1309 W~ ~5570 60665 Pri II 3 S 3 4 L H 42 28 623~' ~ihalay Ka Ilay et ~x Ir 5) i~8~~ ifl9 60608 f--. C.F.IS';'71 iJ..l.2. 6398.9. ~arvin H. Acke man et ux (T rr L. ) g~6 %-.2. #/JO/(P5' 1JMJ&'z<t)J).J,'l.<Jh:11 I soc; S 3 1.1 i- I/ ~77/f.,t wn . 1.:1/5' 700 IV'" 3ff;i.. .!!tjJJ:if: (j II " :#777?..!> W.D ,vo ':l.b 4/;:1, Sa'./, 5 ~; . )'h ' AC~.~.v "!.E-.~ .'i1[ a.~...." !.I1.lJ. ~ '-I (j) , I ..,.~""--- . , .~---- . -. - _7_----"--...... - - ' .---.---: NUMBER OF ACRES I 1- VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oystlf' Timber UnImproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (BlIildin9s) VALUe 1i /' IA':, 1130 1+36 ~'1t"J PI ') .JL '='0 5000 .5 000 i~ 1r..J3 1'13 8'1ii- ,if:. 7tJtJO 9.5'<:)0 1"~CJo I~ . ItJ:t5"tJ /I);{tlo ;< J '7'S"0 .-. .- - -- .. -- -. ---. . . : LOT BLK. t3Ja.c:~ ,1'7 sJq;(.ltmr \ I 1)- f SEC. TWN. .GE. --"- ,.~., ' . -. ..' . .. ' . : . .. "Kc". -, - .. --"'"" ~ . ., . . , . ~~ . '...~~,~' ,,~ '''r ~ -;>-~... -':"~ AI I that prt. of NW NE and NE NW, 31-20-3, daf: Beginning at the most Wly corner of Tr. purchased by Mihalay Kal lay as described in REC #360608, sa i d -corner be ing on the S line of sa i d NE NW: thence S 86052' 18" E a long said S line 208.50' to the SE corner of said quarter; thence S 87008'47" E along the S line of said NW NE 238.45'; thence N 00036'59" EI12'~,mo'te or less, to the c/l of Mil I Creek; thence N I Y and NW I Y a long sa i 9 _c/-I~ to a pt. of intersect i on with the N-S cl I of sa i d sec.; thence S 00036' 59"~ W-a Tong sa i d cl I 597', more orl ess., to a pt. which is N 46052'21" J;..288-:"33'cfrom the pob; thence S 46052'21" W 288.33' to'-fhtrpob. y<cep..t:m~t.h-';'~:;'~em4-1"o 3N k('Cfe// uf em"}:; ~ (Now Tract I of Short Plat #686) That ptn of the NW NE and the NE NW all in 31-20-3W.W.M. daf: Beginning at the most Wly corner of tr of land purchased by Mihalay Kal lay in REC recorded 5-8-79 under AF# 360608, sd corner be i ng on the S line of sd NE NW N 860 52' /8" W 208.50' from the SE corner of sd SfD; th S 860 52' 18" E alg the S I ine of sd SfD 41.53'; th N 460 52' 21" E 267.78'; th N 160 24' 33" E 175.62' to the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 400'; th NEly alg sd curve through a central angle of 110 43' 45" an arc distance of 81.89' tap of tangency; th N 280 08' 18" E 91.45' to the beginning of a curve to the right having a redius of 200'; th NEly alg sd curve through a central angle of 280 15' 51" an arc distance of 98.66' tap of tangency; th N 560 24' 09" E 45' +- to the cll of Mi I I Creek; th NWly alg sd c/I tap of intersection with the N-S cll of sd Section 31; th S 000 36' 59" W alg sd N-S c/I 629' +- tap which lies N 460 52' 21" E from POB; th S 460 52' 21" W 288.33' to POB; sd land also known and described as a ptn of Trs C & D of Survey recorded in Vol. I of Surveys, pg 187. ..mMEBI.'X ~OWN ~;_ TRACT 3.AOF ~wt ~NE ~"""'_'::~-;;;""'~;..~'":;;;~'_..:"';.;'.~"":,;""~.__C~;_',' . ,_",_-=._~ .__c._ " - -_- ....:..-., -.,. ~~-- '~. -.~ .ri -,;..~., ~uT"';""-'-::" --- ---~ ~. -Z.~::! -3..?? -'." l-/ /i-s;? r- ,'~'> -11 " . I c~/ : . , ,t.t.: " <~ ( "'. ".,1