HomeMy WebLinkAbout320314400076 y- Fa" .... NAME ef OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /30 SALE PRICE C. p, ~S':J...?'I'1 Rd, Ioh, Port PUD FPD tig;S)O - - - - - 64 Jack J. hi tchell H.E.Johnson C\ W~ S C\ L 61. ,;I/l d, '7;7 ? (/-X:: ;:7. .c15Nz:7 ;;r../ t.I =- loc;- I t/ ./ /r; -: 7f-/. ~ l"" ,; ,:,....."', / ,,?;? ~1 Y!-'j J:'.J ~/_ 11_ - - 67 n/ J'/ L M s 3 1-/ l- lL '*- - (of ~?;1'153 if )~, .J-.:-.' J, . :; ~XOf> /.3?.zz.; 6:1 J. {{ .0,1/ 1..,1.' . iI. di ~ ..//. f Y / / II ,'~' 7/1 /)~"-"2'" fin. //. c:J ~'",/.' J. ~ 'b!>F:tr/ ."..,.,/ I%h =?.:< tJo iF,; Vf , R d.:.~ . ~67 1'77h :'3':;00 :l.5 'l?~J7J ~~-d- c./ ~ ... ~9S"/.3 .1.()Ot!, 6hg 3h'-lt6 ~ /!I,""";lf.,l ~I/ /1. ,f4/r.u.L. Jiu~/ - - - - - (;';''0 7'1 ~;5;d /t tl L7~. Id. L/ pt 881'10 .{;:'1/$2 - :') - ~f'r'" ;./tJ ~ Lj53';;;" (,/ (),) -: r;~ j:j., ,L ~, .F/) Ii . f9tJ fIo"'9> I - <'/<>-; ""~ .;es...' . ,-~' ,--"..' . -- .'.......-; - ...~. ..--......c-:". .. .--- . " NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TIONS , y.... OJ_ Timber Unimproved Impnt'f'td TOTAL Older Timber Unimproved Impro'l~ Improvemenb B.otE. (Buildings) VALUE iP.!L .'1'4 .~t/ ';<0 ,;2 0 1_ ~ .; ';~~ 0<5 ";;.5 --- - .~ ,,' - I,z.~ C/J ';;) /' ,,,:) >>d -,..I"'!'/ A /;21 /?.l /C) () g ,;L () . i .-/ /Ic. '/'0 /':;./0 //'!-7) /,) J..L:n.-. IJin 6 g/ /.,;;<'1 /d. q If/ t1 0 5/00 .i!:L $//00 g/oCJ P - I - UW BL~ ,J ,rt~ . .,_,c", ;..,~J;..,_~ .... --~-,'<9y '.,~ .'~'_._ . .->-~'. .f'li:. . ~.. ~ _,_:'!L'"'-i . :C';":~""..""""""".'':-,7f-,-:~- -- Commencing at the SE corner of section ~l; thence along S line of said section "l1, N 87002'24" w 118.78', more cr less, to a point on the 'wly R/W line of State Highway #9; thence continue N e.7002'~4" w 972.97' to LP.; thence continue N 07'''02'24'' W 60'; thence Ii 0025'56" E "l22.29'; thence S 87005'29" E to a point !J 0"25'56" E of LP.; thence S 0025'56" W "l22.29', more or less, to I.P. CORRECTED DESCRIPrION: Commencing at the SE corner of section 31; thence N 81002' 24" W along the S line of section 118.18', more or less, to a point on the Wly R/W line of Old Primary State Highway No.9; thence continue N 81002'24" W, along the S line of section 810' to the SW corner of a tract of land ponve~ed to James Churchill, :rr. and I.P.; thence continue N 81002'24" W 162.91'; thence N (l"25'56"E 322.291; thence S 81005'29" E 162.91', more or less, to the NW corner of Churchill tract; thence S Q025'56" w, along W line of Churchill tract, 322.29', more or less, to S line of section and I.P. excepting the South 30.08 feet thereof for road right of way. _, _:-_:A . ~~... ""'I ~ I I S r;L 4J......y IL",... ::>6" 5~