HomeMy WebLinkAbout320314400075 y., F110 .... NAME If OWNE" CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I..!;;.~ SALE: PRICE Rd. ... Port PUD FPD ~::?2~lt9 64 Jack J. Hi tchell Q. (iJ,lh JIJ a. 3 30< s 3 L $150 .Pi ';03YM a:;;. / fP.kJ.. . .1, ~hCh.. ~:7.: ~ 0 tf ~~ c:e() . 1// / Ul 1/ 1.D.B nr'llf'\rAC: A rhllr,...h ill g( .L s ,j L ..fL -'100'-) - - - - - - - -- - - - f-- - - - - - _. ~~< - '.....' '"' ' , , .'.'-'" - . '~'~~'- -..' , " . . .. .- - ., "'- .. " .h' , NUMBER OF ACRES [ VALUATIONS y., OJ"", Tlm* Unimproved Illlprrted TOTAL OJ.... Timber UnlmpRJvld Improved Improyemlnb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE (d. ,$? .37 30 .30 - ~ --- .~ )~ -Y"j ?,d - 70 10)% 230 d30 iL / tJt! ~ ~t,:;CJ fL(;() ~ .37 ,31 - /500 /S'e:P() .9L g C;{) u g()OO ?f/ ,37 .3 -;l lfooo g'tJa C1 J= - \ i - ! \ / LOT BLK. ~ ~ ,,. ..~ ,~- - Commencing at the BE corner of section ~l; thence along said section ~l, N 87a02'24" W 118.78'1 more or less, to a point on the Wly Ri;.) line of State Highway D~; thence along Wly R/W line of said highway, on a curve to the right having an initial course of N 0015'5"<" Wand a radius of 5780', a distance of 244.50'; thence N 2c05"25'" E, along 'wly R/W line of said highway, 78.35"; thence N 87005'29" W 400'; thence S 0025'56" W 322. "<4'.._J.lIQre or less, to S line of saie section "<1; thence N 87002'24" W along S line of section "<1, 420' to SW corner of a tract of land conveyed to Farrel Culver and LP.; thence continue N 87'''02'24" W, along S line of said section "<1, 50'; thence Ii' 0<'25'56" E to a point N 87005'29" W of NW corner of Culver tract; thence S 87005'29" E 50', more or less, to NW corner of said Culver tract; thence S 0025'56" W, along W line of said Culver tract, "<22."<4', more or less, to SW corner of said Culver tract and I.P. '"'\ ~, """.......-- ~---- .~...,;, '~