HomeMy WebLinkAbout320314400060 Vur FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS / .s-,"o Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD SALE PRICE <;2 11<;7Q, Edith A. Whittle ..53/50.;<[f r?..n/ A, J d. ..;7 L / 11'77"67 0'n '7/ ~A12~~ -7 C:,..;/ "/ JY'.10 )s't! fm. ,7:..../, /_., /!t" rf ~ 11if6 ..Ii"'" 3...2Q5 Sl_ L S P ~ d' H/1l1a !i.. 1 g ( ...L M...s...=3... 4-.L.:Ii. I--- --- ------ ----~~"~~;----------~-~~--------~--------~-----------~------_:~-_:_-~-~~~-_:_~~:~~--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyder Timber Unimproved Improvad TOTAL OYlhir Timber Unimproved Improvad Improvemenb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE LlJ3 Lf Lf- /C' cJ 4-5"0 S-.bO ";:5 4' ~ ffo ~' "/'<1-0 ':'--3 0 '- Q ;10 j' 00 q'qa 5f" . 3,0() /.,1 () ':A ()() 6tJ so gtJt? 9/0 ~I 3,~ /,0-1) {I.;.~ 70 5"0 730 /o~O I/.,; 70 50 9'/0 / />.3/\ 121- -.:.~~/! ,9LJ d.IJ //-'/ d ~,z9 ~ 17() -5r) ~~:; ~ /SC>O .2;'>90 '5".;:' t () 1/,0:) 74 / /J/J '/1 /SOO{} 3aor} </~.Y c) /0580 ~ /-! u~ r{.. Dc) <;?"pd' .;2990 /t'10 179' .5 700 7?'to 13t, '70 9J 1600 CJ .ib!lP 0 3~9M ~I 460 '1-.06 ~t;';:J tb'J7 1~c!C'o //c9/JC' S /91JO %'1 " 1.5"00 " //,9"0 3/?IJO t(o I) i( 1';'(,<,,0 $;'';~- ~{).;.4S LOT BLK. r14q@:~ SEC. TWN. RGE. '~?5 _..~:, .. . '''-r ..' -,,"..;'~' ; . -~ . . '. .",-,- ....,-, ,-~"- -",-,-; --~'~. --~~.-,...."..-,~:- ,,-.;.-;..~,:7- ~~:'-f"- , -', ... Bgn at t )'e SEly corner of sec 31 Two 20N R3 Vfi,,]'j Thn along the S line of said sec 3l.N 87002'24" \'l 138.89' to the Wly margin of Olympic Hiway Thn along ~aid Wly margin on a curve to the right having an initial course of 1_ 0015'30" Wand lladius of 5$00.00' to a distance of 244.50' Thn N 2009'25" E 78.35' to the SEly corner of the tract herein desc and tre true point of bgn Thn continuing along the 1'lly margin of Olympic Hhl.lY N 2009'25" i!. 161.h9' Thn N87007'02" W 1022.68' Thn S 0025'56" W 161.16' T]1n S 87005'25" E 10p.83' to the true pnt of bgn _~.-....a._--',:_____ '~~-=--_-_-::c":'::" ~ ~. Y..r FII. No. 1 'h;:.b3 NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS / 5" ..s- SALE PRiCe Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD ,2 3 30C 33 LSP -?;..-- q .5"0 ~. ~"" "'-- /39P7 lJ(}. /' . .r' - N,. " . puget Mill Co. 55 . ~.-/~ ~ /l} , ;; ..p. .) n/..h +.~) .P . _-9 7T (J1n~J.,C)- :.-,.{/ / 12 / $tJ.S / q--: .;J, 0 t:/Jn,'TO /..01 t/ u ^ ,/) ~/.~. 'Au _77 - -;;, 7' . ""..-;;z.. Lj- / {/ ,,~/. d A ,C.;t; '!7/p'.;79 L2J '" J? /..7 d, II II ,{X/ ~'/I :U,}1. _ ~~. iJ d'/~ /J. ' "lC; 2,Jj'tjlJ!f- n. "A)(5-~. A '- "..) V CJ ------ .. I -- /""'5 ~ ------ ___A. . -- .~ , - - '-' . ------------------------------------------------------ , :! . . ~ .. . . , ~-~.- ---- , '- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ' .' Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber UnimprOVed Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 4 Lf lad /or) L/ L/ 8"0 ~ ?a "- 720 7, :?,1 /5(/ /50 7~ 7..:<..0 306 .3OD .,g. :U:J 3, .:< 0 /00' /ao j,&/, /,~ t, .30 ,30 '3'~ .2s- /00 /00 , ~ -:-f)'7. ' , /,d6 /.;?S .' /' 1-0;:/ .",-';0 -5</0 /0 , &-s &'S " , " .;(, // .1/ F' - ,') , , Year 011ter ,c;?, 5:3 ,L;? h/ lB I f. 3 ;""(J Ii 1;117 7"'... \ \ LOT, BLK. SEC. TWN. - RGE. -, ..-->- .,-"..".........-'-.:-.. "'.- 7 & 8 S~ of S~ of SE~ SE~, Sec 31-20-3, the W 164.69 ft. thereof. lying W of ,..,7 ;,C. Description for Trs. That portion of the Olympic Hy., except Contain 6.94 acres, more or less. Commencing at the SE corner of section 31; thence N 87002'24" W, along theS line of section, 118.78', more or less, to a point on the Wly R/W ~mne of Old Primary State Highway No.9; thence continue N 87002'24" VI along the S line of said section 972.97' to I.P.; thence N 0025'56" E 322.29', more or less, to a point N 87005'29" W of the NW corner of a tract of land conveyed to James Churchill, Jr. under Auditor's File # 203982; thence S 87005'29" E to the NW corner of said Churchill tract; thence S 0025'56" W, along the W line of said Churchill tract to the S line of section; thence N 87002' 24" W, along S dine of section 102.97', more or less, to I.P. ~xcepting S 30.08' for road R/W. Jl.~._o ".,~__~_ ~-_-, ~~_'~' ----____..~___. .'\ \ , --~c:_...