HomeMy WebLinkAbout320314300120 ... ------ ._---"~_. - ~~ No \ NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO ~d' ~ I!?!L ~~~T~~~~S .!~ -5" ~ I ' 57 . ~~2794 .t:~ Geor>]e Warren 3 30' S 3 4 L H -.L71.~l-~JQ /) W.E. Boad et8'_f- llil 336'j63 .Bi II Y Joe & Jo n da i r ~bt 17g~1m0ig '(jj C-,-t!u-d -€.hd """", ~~J;l;t;~.:":,,_..,, ~.=ML;"R~U'x!~l~t~~ .5 3 tJ-L ff ffJ~ 4:!~g;L_~.fl" /L&/U'3/?/JNNr;f<;;;flJ 250D~ W o. . -----+---' -- I-- - ,.., .. ',~' """, _:'_'~~*1':.~"""'~.__ VALUATIONS - " Yur -- ----"~"-- -----_:".." NUMBER OF ACRES limber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Improved Improvemenh (Buildings) Timber Unimproved Oyster IL__. <7/ ' /' _ "-!iNI!EL 'f '1" X7 ?_IO -9~ 2(,2..5 ;2,$0 Z.::i() .{ . s-o .;;, SZI 2.;:;0 :2,00 97,~O 7Sz>o 7too ii_ ----+. f-----, ------ 1---,- , -----. --- 1-- I i LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. RGE. ~-_.."., l'~l;::}^~ 1 U~'<Gn/~ i '.~ . ~'-:: , . -'.-. ~ -:-";" ~ ,~ "'" .. ~ -",,< "." SALE PRICE #32379 ~ ':>4'! 54 -$ 0000 -,,!,Szo92 ..g-(!, ... /'l<'?ao ..i1!Il... B. of E. VALUE Zl. 2.5 97.5"d 7;500 7$c;o ....,. ,~>",;;,,"c"-'~""";"-~*"_:;''';7}r~'''..-: . ,~_'''>~I''~'--T~':;-;:~~'~,~_~,.F__--~-'F' (Description of Tracts II & 12 of Govt Lot 5) The N 1/30ftnepl/2 of Gov~t Lt--S)?-20~3W.W;M,::?"WhiCb-I.~S N ~the__ S 660;...'as meas)!Ye-d a 1 9 t~eE~ 1 i ne there-of, EXCEPT.ING theref-rom-r'oad Jignts of way~/// '~~''';;!'':>'''C,"":-'h '-'-r'-' " New description: (See Survey Vol. 10, pg 37) &IL C;,ee:>A/Ne...e ~..,..sT/N(1 /',/07 J),CI",t.eT.7~ - d)<?//,v19. Tx.;S The N~ El2 of that ptn of the Govt Lt 5 31-2o-3W.W.~1., which lies N of the S 660' thereof, as measured alg the E line of sd (',avt Lt 5; EXCEPI'ING therefrom the E 441. 9,1' as measured alg the N line thereof. ~~/O/37 ~~ ""'. "~ ~~-",";l\-.'''_-' ,-..,. "."."; 6; d:.:?3~ b 4;;". -.",,,,,,..'L/,(::.._' .t / /:'L ; /1':1'. y f),', ~ ~ .L./Ro I -, (Ie 7 ri IM'I'/ ~".b ~ - ,,-' ~7 :: /, '" '~I.. - /1ucU:,