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Ye~-r-flle No -- r----...-..-.--- NAME of OWNER I J____ DISTRICTS / .5~ R'd':'TSch. I P?rtPUOTfPO I I --I I : 3 09 S 3 i t 3 ! L i ; -l---;-=-;- , '1/ chae 1 H. 0 I ser et ..!!l$.~!l l!tL1--1__: ' dbOC/ ~/..L '1d'l s ~!.1.J.f~ If I ' - ___. t #61782 CONTRACT TO SA.lE PRICE 1.YTI_~27.22L _Robert Edward Wh i te 7/80 ..E~3f}9_ _. 11{f) - -,-- ------- . ~~~ ~~: ----- _m___._u____ -- ------- ~ Y.."r I Oyster I r JL~f' tL (' 1L H . NUMBER OF ACRES Timber ! Unimproved Improved I TOTAL I VALUATIONS . Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improv.m.nh I 8. of E. (Building5). VALUE I =? V 1,3Y j.:<j' I 3/\ j.. ~{-"/J ......]0 y 1,3g /.....;./11 / "', ,--:_< ,.2g (0 6506 fs-o 0 /3/:5 (0,,/00 /J.:z (0 I ~ '(; 700 _37.:1.cJ 0 :;J7tJO :J7,;1"M >---- 1-. 1-1-- -- -.--- ---- -- -- --- --- -- I 1._- - I - . - 1-, ----1----. ---------1-- !---' -- , ~" -', Irg , '---1 ! 1 ~ ~"?:qo:J II 1m . of. S SW .NY{ _ '';'_< . .- , '._ . "'c;, I : lOT BLK. '- SEC. TWH. .".. Ii- .. _~. _, ';"''''*"''' ~J (~ract 8 of S.P,#907 A.F.#379248J The E 250' of the2fol lowing descr tract of land: That ptn of the S SW NW 31-20-3 W,W.M., particularly daf: 8EGI~NING at the NE corner of sd S2 of SW NW sd Section; th W alo2g the N line of sd S SW NW, 1090' th SEly 700'2+- to a'pnt on the S I ine of sd S SW NW which is 890' from the SE corner of sd S ; th E along t2e sd S line, 890' to the SE corner of sd SW of the NW; th N along the Eline of sd S SW NW, 060' +- to the P08, excepting therefrom the E 660' thereof & excepting therefrom the S 415' thereof, & excepting therefrom rd rights-of-way, ,tft.,;So EXCE;,,'r/.^l4 7#.? flIj 50'r"t;/eL"''': .-- ~~ ~8j(/IOfo-7 .- , Y.., FII.NOC. ~3/11n. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS j-f 0 SALE PRICE! Rd. "h. Port PUD FPD - - '12 11178< Glenn c. stor;w et ux -2. ~ s ...i. IJ L s P She? I-2.,07<f<p-;J. '-"'- - 311'171 ~ JJ~ ,~ 81 ( M ~ ~ Q. ..L :It !5hq 3hCf6'-1'J iloJlevn,f., (lw'~ , p..l~e ?fi~6CX)O 3/92 / - - 1017&2- /J1r'.),il}/ll kalJ/,'J ,f''''''&;A) 77773 - - - - - - -1100 ~.:1 fO-U31? :71i1:;L:~;;2: b. 771'7/0 ~.? - - - - - - /;;;';J'/sL'7/ W'f> roaJ.7f3 - - - - - - "'", -;,J; , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----~~~~~~----_--:_---_:_~:_-------~-----------~_::_:_----~:_----------~--- "''''''-.---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyst.r Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Orlter Timber Unimproved Improved Improvementl B.of E. (BulldlnOI> VALUE !1"2, Lj.o '-1-0 cZ.o ("J 20d ,,-3 7L cu. () '/0,0 :? .260 ;2 J- 0 Y 5-; 70.01') '5iC? Cl cJ . Sac:; 3c:k3 .5% ~/O.Ou .y-tJ,u(') .;;: &> s- ;;(&5" /,j ~ A/,/ ,J3a 3, ~ () I... -' A'? -/J. cO 0 .J?;, ;-) -" ?J;?~ . -- (,5' ;kY &,5.;;.0 7.:2 1':;;/;1 ,-'77/0 rf 7' ,;z t) 'Ff 3{,5 57/tJ 4 tJ ;:5 IJ'Y /',':,"'/,'") -- /Nje) ///';;>0 III^ //'11-0 I/~ZO <;,1 "1000 '1o,OQ 43g:::-~ if 3e5'a I,ql /"", ' , ---- ~ /"--, ( , '------' '5'1'=/- "- 'J, / t//'i :~2 ... , LOT, BLK. ~--- , ~ . .' -., ,.- -- '--, --. , " - ," ... _ - '_ ~ 'c-' .' - __'~ -,._ -- - _ - - "__-" ". -. - ~. _ - __ -r_.,.. ~. - --.'. - -.-- - . -~_-"..,. .,;..~__ - ->._ --_ _~,- . ,,-' -'- """""'--'--~-'-~~-' --..... -__.~.o.,., - ~.~-_ -- ~---~,--_= ._-~-_.r__.. " WOf: ,I '. 1.1 r fi ,:'-' O~=.~.: :.; 3 I - ,~-.!. I' ~ :' '< / , I 1M f I I' V K~ e:,-^'l , P II ,{A-1 /j {ity' c:f Y.ar F"'''Cl NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /.30 BALE PRICS 3/7'119-. Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD ')2 U7~r;q Glenn C. stor~ et ux ..l 3Q2 s l L Sf P 3//1 WZWf m ' ~ ~ 0/1'1 30'1 ~:/Z-?OOO 3{'0~~ 1/:;;; ~ -rlc:J %f f .s 3 IJ /.. iL ?;J.8'7.;1. 3/%1... l./o/'7/":) 7l/'~A 1:; ~J.("r ,It''f(ry,;- "#7777..3 - QC.I:) t:> - - - "7 7'1 <',f.O ,j 0 ).;;l'U' ~.'/)., D.' ~,/J~, ..lL At," - - - - '0/" f/J';L tfoiJ..7 f~ 11 L "O.~ LPn,. /L fhl-n, ~ [j;; 7 ",...,. vJ'f - - - - l' Soo ",n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -r - - - - - --~"4IIt---------~~~~-~-~~~=~------~-------------------------------------------- . -~-" "'--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS 9!<?7o Year Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oylter Timber UnImproved Improved Improvementl B.ofE. (BulldlnO$) VALUE 5'2, .l-/-o,cJ ') ij 0,0 /) 0100 o-<od .L. 51 3{JO 900 5.f !?O.tJo fo.oo &00 000 n ~oo a,f'C7 / / t"c? tiJ/ , fb.otJ fo, otJ goo ~o t?3o ~ ?.:(/: //J Jc' ..,.,..2 /,.140 .-... / , 7n /:;{ tJ--O %,vQ-r:) r:) .:;cc;:., //f't/oC! J::(jO 90 ;}39R'o (:-'! , tot:) 7~ !:r: /;2;2" f) 9.5/717 '1\0 .73J5!1 3/0 17.:1 60.3 S- -1'u-v &/55 i{p. tf55 /v) ;:"0 ? 5'00 ,1/) 19.1/5-; 13 S3s0 .//, co s;: :>'0 .,~o 9'o,;l 0 j/5oo ,yo /.?/,?() 7/1' AJo70 - /&) t/.., ':/'(;0'0 /60 :;3.$"';200 7/ ,d).~~ ?j ,- 2, ~,oc) 4-07.'5:: ;zi;.7s- /&0 .,7;<'135' C7' ,;;;.......- 75 , c .;7 V-75' /7~fO 3j'ss$ 7'; ~, " 3?o~() /l=v'l') L/7.3~ , , 7t- ~7' tz.- ~ T v77'7o -, d?I1'lo f./:: . =>>"J<><-fo .J.-,- ~ 7~ T: eLK. " 17;;;>'(0 , ,0. SEC. TWH, RGE. . r~"'--"'-" ~ '1 LlEJ' , , L \ . i_,< -- , . w--:' ~ '--''-,'~-:~'--::--;- .---..- , . -, ~ . ":>-, 'v, :.~~ . ..~. ~ f- '. - .....:2 ~ _,__..~, -- /'- --< -"--' r '-c' "'_ ' .l. . . --~ " 7" ' ff' ' ,-'>? ,'~'';':'(.., dd,' ."" ~ , JIll' ;?~~~ rL-K.k!7-- I I I I I I I I I e- I I 'r- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ; VIllr Oyster Timber I Unlmproyed Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unlmproud Imprond ImprOYlmlnh 8. of E. (Buildlng~) VAtUE 77 3Q,53 3cc '-i;) .5..3 l+Vez-ud ! I ;., FJ7/l ....... .:17790 . , lL ./ ~ 79 3 () /)...d2 ;;l/J.,28'i1 503.:20 11 Pi>-I d ,r."J ;Z 77'fo -&- ,.;2.7790 7'1' 139.53 3.dO J.{:l..q I ?tJ~4" 117.5<:) 3477'0 7"J- ;Z(".~O Zb,70 7'1.3b~ .-.. /7.::JaL 17- I~"-L. -- do/. /) ~ ;//,0.5 /. ':f ~"'/) /33sLJ Jl Il 1'/7t.50 "I7(,5CJ &/ 0 .,,,r_~_... .--.. ( -::7 -' (SC"'- <; U/2.i/e/ ~'" r-' 1/ , -- -.- ---- - -- - , , 7""'-' ,-,.- ".,' . ---..-;1. ~, '''- ~_. . - .