HomeMy WebLinkAbout320311390090 v.ar'l -File NCI_'-'I,,-_w-~"-'-'----NAME Clf OWNER -_._-I-'CONTRACT TO DIST~ICTS /33 _ ._ Rd. ~i!2!!... PUq,! fPD I I 362361 ! j :. #62892 5/791'JfLOM5Li-HaLdilnp. Johnson et ill ,_____l2Q_$..-.2J.,.1.LLW:t i $125 OOOWOD ]' I " #67335 3/80r2L:?7TLc-' _l'I~ne Stenberql__i_1 <<n nnn ','M QL~.L.3..22Q3'U:laL.danfLJ.oJ1oson et al .__JQLfeiture,f/ / '07 5 ...1..1./3 L /.if n4086 ~ 11!2. 2il~1f~d/;/1-",j~d-Jt'Y~ L #-7f.,FB""" _'lb"~~~S:2?liJ-L-~)."N,, ,o"AM"LdZ4,_./ ,.__ . 1:;?::,~4''''J/ _,___________,___ OJ 'i ()() SALE PRICE -- ,-,- ~ .~. . H NUMBER OF ACRES Oyd.r Timber I UnimprClved ImprClved TOTAL Oyster Zi. .""" /,;/7 /'Y7 iL U H . /'-/7 1.'1'7 '15 ..---.. ,,,,-,,, .-. .. , VALUATIONS Timber UnimprClved Improved Improyements I (BuildlnQ$) B. Clf E. VALUE /030 S9M /030 .59~o. 7900 /3:<5"0';< I IS"O 74'0 () II.",,,/) ;;, <.I ~6 --,_. 1---- -_.,-- --- I 1,_- I 1--' I : --------,. --- -----r.- --. 'n_ _____ ~. I """, ;; . . T. ,~1'- , ! ,f~2D~ L( ~':t~ 1 "" .'.'. ." ;:::"'_, -., c""" LOT SEC. BLK. TWN, RGE. ,~ ,.!i (Tract 8A of S.P.#880 AF#377714) All that ptn of the SW NE & NW NE, 31-20-3 W,W.M., particularly daf: BEGINNING at a pnt on the N I ine of sd S\~ NE, S 87008'47" E 238.45' from the NW corner of sd sid; th N 87008'47" W 238.45' to sd NW corner; th S 00036'59" W along the W I ine of sd sid 155.55' th S 87015'16" E 336.49'; th N 00036'59" E 258' +- to the centerl ine of Mi I I Creek; th Wly along sd centerl ine to a pnt which lies N 00036'59" E from the pnt of beginning; th S 00036'59" W 119' +- to the POB. '. ' ' ~_:;- "."'; et al: Haldane - Patricia Johnson Mihaly - Iris Kallay dba JX Company