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'" V.., File No. .uWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS )"'~ SALE PRICE! '?-l , S-~ (j..lj Rd, Soh, Port PUO ,PO ! 07?-:( iC-J}q . aJ ---'- - <;2 8<;:>.06 H. Heinold 7j 222 s 7j L S P L,:,- ~f'.:JOY' YlY. ~/~~./ Ii . , - - - ),9 ']#39.5/ 4cDa "~D~~;t~: ~ """0 /75',30 ~ - - - .L M s 3 H L J1 , - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----~~-~-~--~--~~~~~~~---------------------------------------- - .--.... .' -"'~ ~';$. . .----- , , NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyat.r TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oylter Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenb 8.ofE. (Building.) VALUE YA 4i;'-I-Q L.j, L??J / 1() /Sd 2J'::<'rl 53 '1'10 '('10 1'10 - ISO 290 v !pl P/t> 7()() g~o 14 . 3~1/ ).(JO -+(~11 /45 50 7tJ 11 l?56 11- 3.0-0 I, '10 40 fao :<00 i'0t.0 I/fo I/.L . c;'J' :7..5 3,;<,-} /<J.;2,,, /-;/.26 '1) .q. t/O /,:) :? i/, <J 0 " I 7,~ 0 I';;'~O ,;;;?O~ .!7CJeJO , 17:-5' d,g-; /. "~D :U:;;- /f/:q r- /;25'::) ,,:>cS--D -;/7d~ ",-- ..) 74 ')j ..? t 50 ;;S-oo -;//00 9~:.-o /~ n 7 :? '3,0 ~~0 ~~ 7d01 /~7~ Y1 /S4G"o /i '/()Q 33fS'tJ ~ 3, 5? .s- 3.?~ /S'%i> /F'/,10 33!?5'v - , LOl' BLK, , ~ <I. ) ~ J;/ '{AI. In III i .':;.t.?i' - .....:.. _ '_'~.'., >:,;;.:-_, ,-,_"..~~ _j..,,'. ---. "--'. _,,;_~__ i.. .~ '... .~' __-...;-. .'.'. .' ..,.'--"'-.c' _. .__ ,""