HomeMy WebLinkAbout320304190260 V.oIar Ale No r--- NAME of OWNER ~ONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /.5.5 SALE PRICE R.. Sch.IP')rt PUO I fPD I I 249498- 9 -, q/7' 2~?955 _yernon M. 01l!l0n et UX 3 309 s 3 4 L H #21183 ~ 2/76 -2!985Q.. --;Z Howard S. Davi e ~- f~8609 " ~ <' ,L _~ ,0 //J ~ -~~ - ..1IiJ I/JSl .5>1 j 0"1 S 3 I-f L ff - -----. ------ ,.. . " " , " " -- -- '-..".-- '.- -- -- y...1 0'..... NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS TImber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improv.m.,ds B. of E. (BvildinQs) VALUE 75 .60 .60 840 gt/-o 76 %4l0 ?f4:) ~I /OtJo /eJ () CJ 8If ,~CI ,60 10eM /&00 --- -- - ..-- i LOT BLK. "~l'"7\( Mi2l~ SEC. TWN, .6E. p'l - , ''''0. "" " -, " ~'~,~" - -"'-~-.,-- j .-.,-- -- , -.~'- -'. -.~* r ,~~> (Tract B o. Saort Plat #200, AF# 309677) A tract of land in the NE SE 30-20- 3W. W.M., daf: Commencing at the lc orner between Sections 29 &: 30, eaid tOWDship and range; the S, alg the E line of ed Section 30, 940.8' to POB; th continue south, alg ed Section line, to the SE corner of ed HE SE; th W, alg the S line of sd forty, to an intersection wita tile Ely r/w liRe of PSH #9 (Olympic Highway); th llWly alg the Ely r/w line of ed State Highway, tap thereon due W of the sd POB; th E to FOB; EXCEPTING therefrom the following described tr of land: Commencing at the lcorner between Sections 29 &: 30, sd township &: range; th S, alg the E line of sd Section 30, 1070.00' + - to the NW corner of Tr 1 as shown on Short Plat No. 177 as recorded under AP# 206888 and TFOB of this described tract; continuing th S alg the sd E section line to the SE corner of sd NE SE; th W alg the S line of ed forty to an intersection with the Ely r/w line of 'Old Primary State Highway No.9 (Olympic Highway); th NWly alg the Ely r/w line of sd State Highway tap thereon due W of sd POB; th E to POB. :"'" ". -.... . " ---... -- . --- -.--- --~----.-~-~--._-~------ ~ " ,;-~";. ," ,",>-.:,i~;;.<.,.,.,.~