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\ Y.., FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /.5--" SALE PRICE,l Rd, Soh. Port PUD FPD - - <;2 Helen F. Lewis Boyd Wetter 3 309 s 3 L S P 0'3 N 9'1'5,% Jiy [II) ,7:17,,) p7; //..-:/ - !L ~2 fa&'J '.;1, '1" /,,,. 7 (, :1 - "'/0""76 , I--- ?" I (1'. " ' , I (cJA'" / - - - - . ~/< - ,. ~../ ...9 ./'7l?:., "7 - - t.1- - ,,_. _ n.O . I .. S'I --.1 M ~ ...1.. .!L ...L .ft. //4 ,;d(;o;;3 ~ ~ /0 -,,; .H :k:-. ,j / .../ "'" 3l"..zs-~ ~ I--- - - - /''7S0i? ~ l/&.fi/l5 dE L. .5Nf'''F.E iE"r /J>< ~"''' LJ L/-cno ~f'!'~ff/f' /AII\ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~---tllr~~~~-~-7-------------~--~-----~-----;-----------------------~-~~::_~~-~~---~~----- NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA nONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improv.d TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenh B.of E. (Buildings) VALUE .5? 7 7 ",.2./0 30d .sId .53 7 7 /L,<O ..-- ,300 'f- 7".0 ;/ 61- , /~o 4'70 6/0 la t.o /00 70rJ / ,;< tJ ...5d .y7tJ ~'7i? , It; 71 /d2D ~() /,) 7:> / r:J b'" 1/,/ 10.&0 I,,n 7a-iJ 1'1' 0 SO /07>6' /3~< IUA I/?? / /1 -; /095 /37:;- ,/, ' , . - - - /~:; .;:;'~ " ...'" //,:':':",'.J '/ - .., c.....,,~- . - 170 , ,~ , , " - ,;J /..2 SA () "..2,",/0 ~/60 X ~ ,,7' . Z5 . 3.'f;:2 /7r: 5' 17 (,. -;- --.<.( e~ 3,9';;' - - 71/ - /7-/4-- 35'30 ..353D -:;z, ~ 9"-' :: 9;:- -- !-f/;;J.O j '. ) ---, ..-- II! /390 0 /3'J<'!o 5'1 3.'1;;.. 37;;;' /37<'0 /3~<,o LOT. BLK. I SEC. TWN, ROE. ~~tl.O:O~, " . - - - Ii/ 5.[?C! " r ~ cP~ ~ U/-% ;f'/u)~~O~~~ s ~-L~) :(ss 71E, ~~~-,'~M~~.5 ~ ~ S(;; /lE. ~Z ~scJ ~r Sf:. ns)' ~:tlJl?~/?# ;;Vu)a)~ ;/5E J?t:, J/O/~-a/~~' ~~ ~ ~ 5 ~ l! St: )?E. ~ ~ ~ ~W* ~wi~7~~~j ~SW~ ~ ~ It/.A., ~ J A:.,~~ ~ .a--.-U ~ ~ :;Zk. ~ ~ f Sf JlE--~~-zL ~ 7~' -2oQ.,~ '-th7 ~. .--....".....;..--.,..... .::.~ . ~- --"".-- , .,....-,J. , - ~ - ..., --.....,.., - ~.-~=:,,--,," --"...---~,."".,_.-'--.....~---~-~-:- ...1--.........-- '.- ".C~