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1 , I , Y.., Fill No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /30 SALE PRICEi Rd. "'.. Port PUD FPD <;2 Cabble Rains {f/t3Do l',H<AJ. ..2. 2Q5 s l L S P t4 - b<l '!2L//.3 tJ 1 ( rtc,tP JJ /J ,J ...- "" _ /6~5Y LL- /~rll'?"'" "T !)(N) JQ1 I PI --L ~ ..2 - ~ f{ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- - -- I ~~ '---- v.... , ------------------------------------ ~. ----- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved Improvemenh B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE ,,-=1 t (,., --LrL q,() 18 (j 300 S.:60 K3 (;, /{) '!"e; IL/c:J 300 4/J'O I....... ;;;zJ, ioo 0,00 /(),OO -';/c:J /~o s~o 7::< 0 ~ &J /L/L) S-Vo 7Ye; '111 ./j II () /" II () 1 (J, tJ () ..,cJ /'/'O I...:<L/'o / :/.:JO ; &:,0 StJ /</ti /0235 /4"?-5 t,/ '(0-0 3,tnJ /0, rl -LLO ?,O /~3,t; /J/"',r ;;1. ...dV 0 /,,;2 [J /.:23S 15,{,!S" /./ / :X ...dd - I.~ " / - - /y,;; () '" <:J /,:,).. /..:': .....,~ 70 ~-/" r/ c:'/5o .;?.;l5o ~~tJ '70 y /'7 ../ ,.~ ., ,/ - () 71 k I /:;, t, 3o()_ L/o;oo ~/;{) 1&'1/'0 "i. //R.-I'J .;1(/ I,' ~- " '~ _~J.I 77 1/,fOO /)5/1S- 3(;, 9/-5 I- 7ct . / ,; , . (I ....1 II ;? '11,'; 7~, '-U37::,- ~I 3;;;"0" ,',)'1.' ,'::.! '/0(") LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. ~(\ ,-;< /)/).QC).1Q ; . ~"",.--,--. - ' '. " - - . , .' ,'-.. ~, ....... M"ji'.. _.-c.-_,~ ., , , -==-=-,----~----...........;-'-~.-..-~ ) ~.. ,- . ---~ -- .- ~ .,. ..-; . - -. ko"'dr J!.C-<.-<J.-e.. 3 Y""'/.3.;;?2 I I I I I I I I I I I , . --.-.. . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS t,,fO Year Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved I m proved Imprcwrnents B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE f'l 100 3,00 /0,00 :3;;?ootJ :)O'T'tJO f;;, 'ItJO .~" '," '\~ - - ~._-