HomeMy WebLinkAbout320301200153 Y..r File No. ~ M ~ I Lid CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS , .3) Rd. Seh. ~IPUD1FPD _1_1 _'. 3J,/ ~ .3 __ L _ t'f-.L30t A!..,i _1iL NAME of OWNER . , ~147247 Nelvin J. Lane 160425 12..L8...L ~qRnqq MA I \I in I IrinA A+ IIV (R("\mQ ~ '15"35"( Z. ~ -I-- ---- ----I-- - ->- ---- --I-- -I-- 1 I I I ,a",.,r:' ", ~ ...;- SALE PRice /5<::1&.0,0 1/76500 QeD --1--- --1---- -- ------\ /' VALUATIONS " ~=....=___'='~-",.."......=.=~_.-~=-'___<'>-=""~~_=""==_-=~_w-_==-_______ ~__ Yu.r Oy.ter NUMBER OF ACRES I- Timber UnImproved Improved ~I !~/ I-/~ I~I 1",,/ . j, L/ ( j, tf/ ),,5-0 /,5- (J -&-- I!;o I r ved Ilmprovement. mp 0 (BuildIngs) B.ofE. VALUE . /~ t': ..:/-~"7.:;."- S;:?.:: ,:J0 'J / -;.::-r; /~'),;- .:<5;; .23~/S .:;:5515 .J.1.::,/) ,'6,.. ,) 7,t/3r, Oyster Timber Unimproved 53 -B__ 51 0-C .K~ k ~ 15'0 -B- /. -:1/ /. ?I/ /6tJ /~O .;bo , 15(, Iz;g (?~ 1 lJ -t."" ~ \ 14- JJ-- 1Q. 2L 2k jJ ".,... '!. ' . <:,' I, _ > ~ P,"F:. /." fl ,.... ,('J ~~ I.tt . ) !S,.JO /. C:'O 1?'(!0o //750 ]/':~'''.. 116 1-i.IO " '?02_ Dt ~L:l J ~ (Ll~ LOT k "SEC. BLK. TWN, RGE. '." "'~' ..; /f't1 3570 9'bO .(0!.-1 /60 16-0 )0'0" 5'1CJ .6:?O t../tJ / .,) f./'iJ> .... 7?/O _ /3:: /0 ,I, "() -, 7 I" / ~..., , ).. (' "')n ----'I ;),'7'iOu tfl'1tJO ;;. 9'iM, '11r;,5:6 I r "-~:;'c..-'.""'r- ~--.",~~..,- ~~.-' -'1...-... -""~cr":""7..--1--~"'~- .'!';.~~ Beginning at the SWcorner of the NW NE at the intersection with tl're" Sl~..JljW of the Isabella Valley-Lost Lake Road; thence E ,on' 'th-e'~--' line of sai'tl,.rop~y, 9.3$', more or less, to the rr/w of the Cld County 'Road ; th2nce followin,,; said R/W in a NWly direction to the intersection with the said Isabella Valley-Lost Lake Road;. thenca'follo~ving said road in a SWly direction 6.3 I to the point of Dej;:i.nningof the tract of land hereby described; thence S, parallel with'the 'Ii line of said forty to an inter- section with the S li~_~rereof; thence W, on said S line to a point th ereon .30D I ~_oJ' ttle SVi corner of said II'W NE; thence'l\\Gy, along the Ely line QJ.,~'tract of land heretofore conveyed to Einar Kjesbu, to an intepre'C"tion vlith the Sly line of said Isabella Valley-Lost Lalte.,ltoad; ~ce..NEly aloni': the Sly line of said road, to the point of beginning. New Description by QCD #398099: That ptn of the NW NE 30-20-3W.W.M., daf: Commencing at the intersection of the S line of sd NW NE with the S r/w I ine of Delanty Co, Rd; th N 480 54' 15" W alg sd rlw line 341.46' to TPOB; th S 570 03' 53" W parallel with the S r/w I ine of Cloquallum Co. Rd 353.73' to the S 1 ine of sd NW NE; th N 860 40' 56" W alg S 1 ine of sd NW NE 33.82' to NE corner of W 1/2 W 1/2 SW NE of sd Section 30' th continuing N 860 40' 56" W alg sd S 1 ine of NW NE 29.99' to SE corner of tr conveyed to Einar Kjesbu by deed recorded under AF# 136818; th N 250 19' 15" W alg Eline of sd Kjesbu tr 128.02' to aforementioned Sly r/w line of Cloquallum Co. Rd; th N 570 03' 53" E alg sd Sly r/w line 278.12'; th S 320 56' 07" E 144.62'; th N 570 03' 53" E parallel with S r/w I ine of sd rd 104.38' to the Sly r/w I ine of Delanty Co. Rd and a point which bears N 480 54' 15" W from TPOB; th S 480 54' 15" E 20.80' +- to TPOB. ~~g/2-J ~"'''''''-''.-.~-' . ."'~ .' .. . ,~,.>J: ~_.- - , t!<,Y. ./3AL- By BL/ADJ"" /9,c...,. -;.'~-35"'L ,.--- '~'::.-...i ~--~ . . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster TImber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved ImprCMlments B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE "S- SCG .77 .77 /0 80S- 29,900 -$'070S"' V.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /3~ BALE PRICE! t ~2 Rd. "'.. Port PUD FPO / II '// Ie' - - - - Woodsie M. Lane et ux .1.. 309 s .L L S'P - tf ..L 3d"! 2- :L L J:{ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1----."'...... " , .. ., , .'" " -~... -----------------.---.----...------------ .' "'--- , . . ,. NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS Year Oyster TImber UnImproved Improved - TOTAL Oylter Timber Unimproved Ilm"",m"h B. of E. Improved (BuildIngs) VALUE 5."1 Lj.. C 3 L/.t 3 ~d /,;Z () 5" )(,3 Zt'J </63 30 -,j-O J?o V' , 'i, .-J' t, ,':; ~".)O ~t3 5b 5;J /c;1o tl- - ,,/. ;:. </.102 - - ;/0 /~o / /,," - /'1- :/'. /....?- ..-_?- .. -, , " . , , ~ 70 :-0:<:7 .? 3do '/-<t,Lo =J IN /'Q/, L/r:;/'i 1"0?() 7t, (, 4. :~ '( ~ 1:.. ,,-)E~ Jl.;3 ,3'/;::; 5~S-- / <S I') ."'~ -'. 91 /~~/)<) /J....!.;-r>D '5;1 ~') L.. . . .. --?;.-. - ~ ' >/"/1 -- ------.T~. . I.~ LOT BlK. l i l SEC. TWN. RGE. r . .... l . . _nL-- ". ' -.~ - " "...., ~, -- - . -"..";';'" '-' .-." - . ~,",,"._~:::~_"'"7_~-~i .. _ "_~~;~__~'-'''~'.~'~:'''' _:.;,'.,/-~' ..>!l"......."" Bgn. at NE cor of swi of NEi of Sec 30, Twp 20 N, R3 W; Iii] Thn run,~ 10 chs to a poet; Thn W te chns to poet; Too N l()/'Ohns to a post; Thn E 10~OOOs to a poet at place of bgn, Contain 10 acres. Exc. 1A , -:- rI1'....J;..--~- * Ex. Trs. ~~""'-","-~-"- ,-- -- ~ --""-''-'''''''''''-'''; 1 A to C Inc. ~",., ~c:.y/~ - _A-- ~~~,~