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Y.., flle No. NAME 0' OWNER CONTRACT 10 DISTRICTS ,,/',-j 't-'::)O '~I~f
,d, 5th. I Port PUD "0 I-r-I
I 30 II qr. L} ';.1),[) #34725
/73 277567 Paul E. Armstrow, et ux .5 142 S h 4 L H $'lq~OO
9/ 1 14.,2 5 ,~ 4 L J:L
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18ulldlnQI) VALUE
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Commencip~ at an iron pipe at the SE corner of section 29, said iron pipe being witnessed
hy two Weyernauser Co. referer.ce IT':::l.rkB; thence N" 44010'16" VI c)91.90' to an iron re-bar
and the true point of ccCinnirg; thence n 88051'04" \'I parallel to the N li~p of said SE SE
a distance of 187.60' to tho S'N c~rnpr of tract hereby deecribed and marked by an iron re-ba
thence N 01045 'DO" E 507.24' to a point on the VI line of ]the tract fherbc' described, said
point being S 62058'22" E R5' from steel rod marki.ng SE corner of a t~act of land segregated
And transferred to Troy Saeger by Petition Suit No. 2509 in she Superior Court of Mae~n Coun
thence continuinl' N 01045'00" E 25' to a point on the Ii line of SE SE; thence S 88051'04" E 1
1R7.60' along said F line; ttence S 01045'00" VI 25' to an iron re-bar on the E line of
tract hereby described; thence continuing S 01045'00" VI 597.24' to loP. EXCEPTING the T:ly
25' for road purpDses & excepting R/W .,'2(;~ /p" ~. ~~ E.
I)C<LJ'I IT>V tH ~ ':2'-15 ftF.=- L/Lj SI" t> ::'>