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Ve.r File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO OISTRICTS In S- Rd..". Port PUD FPD SALE PRiCe 52 Troy Saeger L(,i. /J,-", ~~ 7?6-"d"'" gin ~ti,..5bO lJ...,wJ-..J'I- f!'I<<'~r l1J f! ~:"T 3 42 S E j? d ~+ ' _ 50VD S'/~.!i2.. 5 3 ..:i....b ff 3 JL L SF P "'" iiL ;.:V~/ ~....,cJl, . f-- I-- ----- ..~._.. .. NUMBER OF ACRES .~.- -.- ..:.. ..--:::........:.'".~..--4'".. VALUATIONS 6, . ,p" . y.., Oyster Timber Unimproved Improv.d TOTAL OYlter Timber Unimproved ImprO;f'ed Improvemenb (Buildings) B.ofE.' VALUE .'i3 k !d.z. M 1.-9- & :t3 71 7( x:i;", 7(n C JL ftI /~t7 .::1. c.c /c:,.e: 7 /C,,0'l /(;,,(,,7 11.00 ~.?'7 II. .07 , . "b-;51 ;/J~ '/, <7 /'?25 I ;,c:.7 //,9? /01) 70 .;]. s-r.J .1) 7 /.01 t/. () I j 401 /~o -/0 ,;((".5 - ~'J-O ~~o .2-::25 .< 51'; /.;1.).5 IJ ~ IJ ~4S-0 -?oo i&J5" _"'-~O 30//? /d~O /~';tJ ;2Jo 4010 /t!(),-/o l'IfJ3.$- /go ,;;(t,6_ 970 /,;/ /,.-J /~.eZG ;:::>..:zs-o "':l =o/l S" Yh/O /~-.;20 I-f 0 10 jI.JotJ.{) Il/ CJ 3.s- I ~ BL~ ~ ~-; . .,- C.P.Saeger Farm Seg. Beg at ~ corner between secs 28 & 29; th W 1538.16' to I.P.; th S 1320'; th E 550.6'; th N 1320'; tr W 550.6' to I.P1 ~.~~.~-~ -~-----_.- -. --~--- -- ",.~ ,a..~