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... ~- File No. -r-----. 1 /5.5' " , NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS , SALE PRICE -~592 Rd, Sch.IP.,rt PUD I fPD I I - reder i ck W.& I" I II /7 ~l8JJS.i-:-Adr i ~n A A"~mc n+ HV I 8r:.o.wJL , ,n ~ , I" ~~??9b tlfJ-73:JIwAll 21.77122175 , arion L. Wrigh e u .1l7Q5.88 J /'77 ~??:< Iln." '~,./ AJ- ,L. W/u F RI I "'0' c:: I, 14 L H #61464 W.!l.. r,ecaJ_d,lJ.. Smi+h A+ 11)( (AI irp I ) $141500 "!/. ~~.J.2 ~&:f ~!u./"Ju.d.:'~'?) ~ .J7Y)) -II- J?7 ":<5 :s- _81 -'/I,"'i. %n ''''I , - f-" --- ._~. '.-.. .".- .... - , . , . -~. ".', ",' " -~ -,<, , ,i , NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS , Year Oyster TImber Unimproved Improyed TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvllmllnh B. of E. (8uildin9s1 VALUE 1(/J /,/3 /.1..3 ~3'10 .;l..3'7~ 77 d.370 "jJ'10 /'2 "73 7 () II()ho , 11(./30 ( 1 /./3 j,13 1'1<:"0-" I 75'<:ItJ/'. It'tN() ~ 1,/3 /, /3 /3':--00 /305"0 1'1'1'0"0 -- - , ---. I- I I LOT OLK. :ZEB: ',SEC. lWH. RGE. .1<1' .;::] II . ,,"'1~''''''''" , .-~..:~ ..-~,~-:: -\ .-~~,- ,--- (Tract 0 of SP# 292 AF# 325127) The S 1/2 of th ptn of E 1/2 of E 1/2 of E 1/2 of NE of NW Sect. 29-20-3W, W.M., which 1 ies N of Arcadia Co. Rd. and S of N 413' thereof. It.a. ~ "3/10 ~ "',.i:~ !-- - ,."'-:~~ --, .... .-- ~ 3373"N V.ar File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE Rd, Soh, Port, PUD FPD I - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - ~ - - - - ,-- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f-- I=P'~<"" '.' .....' , 4 ..~ -.- --_._-_.- - ----=-- -- ... NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y..r OYlt.r TImber UnlmprovlMl Improved TOTAL Old., Tlmb., UnImproved Improv.d ImDrovllmllnu B.of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE \ , LOT BLK. m "., lEe. TWN. ROE.) ; ; : : . : : : 1 , , . . - . .... -.... . , ., ,.~.. ., '. ,......~,,:-e,c'c', '.'-~ __'.__..._=0____ * Both assessed in Forest Park ...... ,;t-...''" . -~_--:-_--- " .- " ._-~-_._-~~~...!.'" '~