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".. Y..r FII, No. jlME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 15' 5" SALE PRies 173464 Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD R Ii deed - - - - - - 52 138917 Matthew M. Lambert et ux ()<./J?:) 3 309 S 3 4 L t/h(; 3/J 0':110 ~ (L. itcvJ .if Luf J'/ / .Jtl 5 ,L !i. -'= j{ ~ :5'&;;' '1-7 >/.g) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , .~ - - .- . ,-, "- NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS y." Old.r Timber Unlmprond Improved TOTAL Oyster Tlmb., Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (BuIldings) VALUE 5d. .3:=; ,3j- ,;::w dOG! ;;;20 2L -- .3<') ,.3,) ,;;;() 330 35'0 - .5k ,3:;- 13~ ,;;co 330 350 #')/ ,35, 13.i) 5() .330 3/(0 Id2 .3" ,3S" So 9~() 9'10 bL .;35' ..3,<:;" /00 r'r'o ItJ sL-7J> td. 43 ,13 /oct 9''/0 Ict<lo &'>..5.. /C() //00 IdcJO a:. b6"'% ./~!S J~7< /5/J/J .2:L :::iF/'> ~5{) .;75) 3000 1L S/J /J ;J 7 4'r7 ..3;2.-7' () 7t/ /8Cl %J /02' d .c-i;>"(;+-cI /"5'JO ..:& 3()c>O ~S70 1/57D '17 1--(3 ,'-B -6 -4-. 4-- ~ ,3000 8570 //$:70 LO'r,.;.....-m:K. ~ ~~~ . ......- , -- ' l<'- ""!".,.--,- ,- - ,cO' Formerly: Tr. 8 of W~ W~ E~ NE NW All that portion of the W~ W~ E~ NE NW which lies S of the N 780' and Nly of Shelton-Arcadia County Road excepting the W 75' thereof. Also: S 60' of N 78~IOf Wi Et NE NW except W 75' ., .-. -......~ "-~-,;- -.- ~~:~~:: . !lO"~" .. - . - NUMBER OF ACRES . v.t-o..... H_ VALUATIONS TImber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder limber Unimproved Improved Improv.m.,..h I B. of E. (Build;n9t) VALUE ~(I " / ::::: /" ... -+) l- . ~/ ,'-13 <1.3 9~CJ 0 ~/bC! 0 S"c'ao t &- ...e---- ~ , - qOM 'JI' -~ 300(')() K>; V- ctl--. ..::r2:---_ --- ~ ---- 1--,- -, '}OOD ~/(,.,()o -;'OG,CO H, .'/3 I'" -& ....9- ~ . ...._:) - lit'. . .//3_ ,';3 'i I'JO 0 .;(1 {,oO 30&00 -- I M 0- -e e- -1-. e------ ---- f--- h ,y~ t./--. 9(:;oc C2lbtJ(; I 3eboo " , ~2 1---' -, r:=-- ---e ---b -,- ----- - 1--' , , -._- ----- ---- _n___. - ----- - ---- --- " ( ----- , " I -