HomeMy WebLinkAbout320292100040 Yur File No. NANE of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 15 S- Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD ,52 115644 Warren J. Tobey et ux 154640 ~ 156868 Alvin G. 'l'OhAY At "" 61 187192 Elmer C. Linn et,"x ~1g)f?'1J';. !4i-lir1i~ 0/7'7 -::b/7/5 13tl7'/Y'.A1 fl.LJU k _%5..53/ ~ iJ~l~'i,- ~ t_c.~h'Jj-i},,)p I ~ Q.Q.9..JL ~ 4 T !l / ...L~ ~ ~~ ..kLli -l,p ck! M' ' , 41___1-__ ~. .tL'4'L ' . '{()fiJ, _ f-- _ I- lOt.. ,/l 1'1.11. I<-.h.o ~ nw r ) ~~b, ---1--- --f----- I--- ---- VALUATIONS Yea, Unlmprond Oy.ter Timber Improved TOTAL Or."r Tlmb" Unimproved Imllrov~ .:. PRIce 1 ;14186 12950 ~-"<7;"/~6 1,.,.j1 SG'7/o r-=>~.q/:<( I,~ 61:,-'1'173 O(t>oo #so'fo'i wo I '-~-~ Imllrovementl (BuildIngs) B. of E. VALUE 5i ,07 ,07 dO ~CJt1 ~,).6 , 5cf .15 7 ,() 7 ,.;/0 /(;0 ;'?cJ 5.<; .ID ,/0 do 1&0 /90 5l:z . c' 3 . (1 7 . 1 {l /0 '7--0 If.,. () l'l () ~7 ,c3 ,07 ,/0 ,.,-0 '.,-/'1 1&0 ;;<&0 4 ,oJ ,c7 ,Ie 5'0 _'>0 ,;Loo 500 II ,03 ,tJ7 ./0 Sc' SD &t,5 70S- M . /0 ./ 0 /() 0 ({, ~~ ;765" ML.; I:s"'% /~ ,f.35" 7'&; {) f:zf. / ~K S'7o '195" 1...Q ko,?,; ~.<)I::? /?s"o ~ooo 2L ~O/l /7..c,o ,t;~.5t'J Zi- 1!t50% 100(1 -;:?500 ~o .J.k ;),150 '6870 Ilc,~C. 'if ,fU ,10 700eJ 195'00 ;?65"CJo LOT BLK. ~ ~ ! 'EC... ~WN. ,ROE. ,.' .t'.sl'7Ir:t.:1.~~ J~ , rr.5' - 1 .,- . .~~. . . ~ . . Formerly: ._---~:--.....-- ~'_..*'-:~!! ,._ '. __ "r'-' ~"-~-';.-'"':. .:"y~~c ,.:---~--::~-_.-.,...---~:<: Tracts 4 & 15 or N 120' of wi w~ E~ NE NW Tr. 4 -- Beg at SE cprner of N 120' of W~ W~ E~ NW NW; th N !6'; th W 110'; th S 40'; th E 110' to I.P. Tr.15 -- Beg at SE corner or N 120' of w~ W~ E~ NE NW; th N 40' to I.F.; th continue N 10'; th W 110'; th S 10'; th E 110' to I.F. - .~,.". .' --, , ~---~--- - -.- >'" - ..~......... AF# 456154: QeD Helen Stolle to Arthur M. Stolle to assign an interest in a mortgage. ~, I I I I I I I I I I . . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved ImprCNements B. of E. (BUildings) VALUE !tj 10 110 7000 /95'"00 ;lG -0-00 ,