HomeMy WebLinkAbout320292100030 Irl'" 'g!2 Fill No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /5 S- SALE PRICe: 130830 Rd. Ie.. Porl PUO 'PO - - - - - - 55 156869 L. C. Wilson 3 309 S 3 4 JL $490 - 55 159747 Billy L. Sharpes ~I I ~ ~ .3.--. lL b. 1:L 56 164279 Carmel Wade et l1X ?DO(J - I- - - - I- 'Xf;z.. ~MOb'i- ~/7-n'P 7hAj ,;/uA/.AfJ-1 _) e-- - ~.A' ->-~ I- - I- - - - - - - - - I-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I .~ ., , - - - -~~. -- - ----- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS V..r Oyster Tlmbe, Unlmprovtd Improved TOTAL OYlt.r Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved Improvemenb 8.ofE. (BuIldings) VALUE 51 ,It: ,/~ 3'0 /.30 /60 .-J t/ ,/~ ./(" 30 ,;( c;- 0 .;) ,J 0 .'JIJ' .,30 J, c 00 .;:j 'Pt:J .350 S/'o ,30 ,30 4-/') ,3/0 ;3 S' () S2 ..30 ,30 /<10 .;? 5' () 35'0 M .30 ,30 /0 cJ It) 05" /loS U ,2;0 .ao ':<50 /005" /~S- ~ ~4 :? / () /OZ~ {] /57'0 ifL 3/12 /'37'0 /bcf'cCJ ~ kAo/:J bdtJ .,;1?.f3tJ 33!>tJ !1L .-?'tJo Dl~qtJ -~:;'~ U ~% JA" ~ S//0tJ t:,~ :JJe ':<^....t"I 7010 /00/0 7&. -f3- -G- -G- 71 , 3000 '7010 10010 , LOT BLK. m6~<1:.i /:a..awa . . SEC. TWN. RaE. , . .', '---". '.-', - -- . . --~'j.,. .. ~"'.. ' . .. - ""'~"'" - --:~~ -". .. ....1 - Formerly: Tracts 12 & 16 or N 120' or wi wt Et NE NW Tr. 12 -- Beg at NE corner or W2 wt Et NE NW; th W 110'; th S 70'; th E 110'; tn N 70' to I.P. except S 10'. Tr. 16 -- All that portion or N 120' or wi w~ E~ NE NW which lies W or E 110' thereof. +tIJ~ d- q - 2.0 - s '16 2 q -20-:5 .., ~"""- ~ ~ a-,- -----,..,..,.-:--='~ .' N~~~R OF ACRES I, I VALUATIONS :-. y..u Order Timber I UnImproved Improved TOTAL I I Oyder Timber Unimproved Imprl;l....d Impro...m.nts B. of E. (BvildinQ~J VALUE - ~ -, - :--3<J iL3 (j 300G 70/0 /QO /q S11 --u ---{J . --Q ~I '3u , 30 7coc> ' /5"?c>o _;:(;;. 9c>tJ - . , g( -0 r< ,0 , ~ , 1000 l~qOO ~qan N ,30 , ::~ 0 -/000 /5''106 ,:?.;J,9oo -,- --,--- - ---, ---- ---- --,- I -- ---- ---.--- .--- ,----- -- I~_,- - -- --- _=1 -- ---- ------ ,- 1--- -- -- - --- ----- ,-- - -- - -- I ----~ I . . ,