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Rd. 5ch. I Port PUD '.....E.f.!L I -.
69 (),&4.121 Loda V. Rutledge B.B.Noll 3 ~2 S 3 4 L H ;U.3h'~
69~ I ':1.164-11 C.C.Heinitz $20,000
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Commenc' t the t corner between sections 28 & 29; thence N, along the e between
sections 28 & 2 , 'more or less, to the Sly R/W line of S Arcadia County
Road; thence E, along the S y ne of road, 107.' ence S, 360' to I.P.;
thence W, parallel with the N lines of t '~he NW, Section 28 and the SE of NE, Sect
29, 315'; thence S, parallel wi line of said 3'; thence E, parallel
with the N line of th , section 29 and the SW NW, section, , more pr less,
to a poi~t E fo section line between sections 28 & 29; tthence N, para lel with sai
section line, 753', more or less, to I.P.
Commencing ay the t corner between sections 28 & 29; thence N, along the line between
~(t-~ & 29, 1320', more or less, to the Sly R/W line of xhe ~~te~cadia
County Road; then~ along the Sly R/W line of said road, ~.23t;tbence S 360' to
the I.P.; thence W, p~~l~e N lines 0 the 3W NW Section 28 and the SE NE
section 29, 315'; thence S paralle -- e section line between said sections, 2280'
more or less, to the S l' "0 he NE SE of sec fi'-29;...J;hence E, along the S line of
NE SE and the S of the NW SW of section 28, 315', mor.,"or-cleSl?_,.. to a point 107.23' E
of the s 'n line between said sections 28 & 29; thence N, paral1el-.a~~a~_~ection
~ ' 2280', more or less, to I.P. excepting therefrom the S 527.5' thereof and R/w.
Now Tract 1 of Short Plat"f""&rw.encing at the ~ =rner between Sections 28 & 29-20-~W.".M.;
th N 00029'50"E alg the line between sd Section 28 & 29, 1320' + - to the Sly r/w lme of
the Shelton-Arcadia Co. Rd; th S 87001'16"E alg the Sly r/w line of sd rd 107.23'; th S 000
29'50"W 360' to TPOB; th N 87001'16"", parallel to the N line of SN NtiI Sec. 28, 107.23';
th s 89057'37"W parallel to the N line of SE NE fa sd Sec. 29, 51.57'; th S 01"44'57"\,
75.12'; th S 73oio'08"E 103.66'; th S 00029'50"W 48.38'; th S 87001'16"E 60.92' tap which
bears S 00029'50"W from TPOB; th N 00029'50"E 151.12' + - to TPOB.
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