HomeMy WebLinkAbout320291400030 V..r File No. 'nME of OWNER C/~i(,,','\ CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 70 SALE PRIce 17%70 R VI deed -?,D Rd. Ie.. Port puo FPO - - - - <;2 1 78000 Clarence S'leO'p.r l 42 S 3 4 L I'F- , /,1 >1dLb; ~ 'I C>::( A-;J--r1..n / J)., h / /' --' ~ ..J ,f'( I .!i2:. 2.. L .!i .l. if / t':?S4:> I ?-/11) 3iJ,(,Q/ ). r::'/;}lfl t, 0/ U/f!Jinil'l ff). I0u.M J~ "II' ~/&"7'1 - - - - 1.:1500 - - - I-- - - l- . - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - . ~ - - - - - .- '.- . - ------.... - - - ----- .------.- , ---- - .--- , - NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Veer ay.ter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oydor Timber UnImproved ImprOVld ImprovDmenb B. of E. (BuildIng,) VALUE /;.3 7.31 /o,on /73/ 70 ")-00 tf,3O ;loo ~ -- 71/ /0,00 /7,3/ 70 '?-oo 1100 /010_ - .le.o t,,3!c 6,.3 Co /.;10 j; ,A.:}""- ;< 3{15 .fd.. 3,0-0 B, CJ-o ":<0-0 /3/-0 /9I-D g "~2 ,;?.5cJ /~ :7" /9d.-J' ." /_, " :.A J:l 5S tJ /e:, 7,,) 2 'JJ,t; 2f2 M% #00 3~~ l/t/!:o 22.. ",,00 /). ;:_...-"l 7..15" & 7ss , Z3- .3...:. C' 0 .'3,Od //.tJtJ 33.. "'i tJ -'14,--"5 !J ~ 73,;( --If- - ,(=-t"> I/n/?; 7;200 &.700 :Y 100 H ~' I /1/70 -er /;-.f70 Z:L \c7 /.~l /'':'7 /.;<~5' [0 700 79,,;"::- R -P -&-- -&- 7re /17 /. C 7- .3;;Z5t> 77/0 ~ LOT BLK. - , , . I SEC. TWN. RGE. L3"I~rQ~~ J 4()C>.O~ ;I.f~$ -' - - ., " .....' ..;.-- -- .. -- -.<- "1"--'" '.- ..~ Former~: Tr. 11 of/c~P.Saeger Fasm,Seg ex. Trs. 11A, 17-18. 20-21 commenoing ~t the t co er etween sections ~ & 29; thenc~ W 523.17'; th nce N 1320' to I.lj'.; . ence W, long line of,SE NE 4 6.5', more or!less, t9 the N corn:t' of t w 330 of SE NE; thence $, along the E .Ene ofW 330' ' 300'; henc . J aJ ,;2Cf,{, 5'/ / \ / \, . . CORRECT DESCRIPTION: A Tr of land in SE of NE of Sect. 29-20-3W, W.M., daf: COMM at quarter corner between Sects. 28 and 29, Township 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M.; .thence W 523. i7 feet; th N 1320 feet to the pob of the tr of land hereby described; th W, along the N I ine of sd SE of NE, 257.5 feet; th S, paral lei with the Eline of the W 330 feet of said SE of NE, and the Eline of that certain easement descr in instrument recorded under Auditor's Fi Ie No. 30906i, 300 feet; thence E 257.5 feet, MIL, to a point S of the pob; thence N 300 feet, MIL, to the pob, excepting Co. Rd. on the North. - ~'_.. ',.".." . ~....._~- ,. ......... .. " I Ye.n Oyster 7' 110 q/ JL ~&, I - .-' NUMBER OF ACRES Unimproved Improved TImber "_?,j~'J . ~ ,'- ' , :. , ---- r~ 1,(,,7 /J15 l?~ TOTAL j, (" I / 95 I, '15" ~ . Order I I I 'I 'I 1 I " , -."'--'-..- -. VALUATIONS Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements t8uildln9') -,4--. r, .3:<50 1110 /o?~() ,;l'J600 /tJg'tJo ,;( 960CJ B. of E. VALUE -Woo 1/J9'titO </ () 'to 0 ~~~O "..~I~. ,...-