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Yur File No. liME of OWNER (! 'I? 2'14'0 CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 7a SALE PRICS 17,'>01 R W deed " . 0 Rd. Ie.. Port puo FPO _I - 52 140356 Robert Orvil Bostrom et 1 x l 42 ~ l. ~ ...L - 6..2 /11/h/2 ~i2 JI 11 ~_ -- /";t ::>", /I)".. Jl, ~ /I. I ,,#. IY' - - - - /~.."o. ~ J<7L// M Sf 1 If;;.. ~ :L !:L L .if ~ if {/ / ~o~ ~. 3':",,,, ~Af,./ ~J, ~' ,-.d- ,+ ~ ri" - - I- - - /..:?.?<Je!. '""- .I~ I-? A d-","'- .s=.- J,({, (~), tl Af' Sl-' ,/ (. - - - - I- - - IP .3~~a bJR'3~7 1v,0' ~~C;;;e~~ - / ., 7:~ /-7. !z.::7 /0/5 k.,- >i t>"",,,,,.,' ?<S') 6/73 ;(80712 ' - M - - - - 4{,6;;" 86<>_/,,-, J/Js- '/,ctq J 0 I O(~ j-~,1! t-..Jli"fL- - - - J'hI810't:, - - .!!b- 35'3'<5'5 ;In.!>"" I' /, ./- h. Jj-,,, /ro. ,- " ~"'O'f3(, .sI &,~ qs-a 1, f ' - - - - - ",',y~/7k -0/:73 ill 1. 771. PI-' ,,'AAA 10. 1/) ,/IT;. I -# .AA "'~ - - - - !La v dOW 1-1,q; it $' f'S~ "I1-"-'I?7 fA 'T, '-ton l' 7J (ia {iu_1'L?A..~~J.! ra - - - - ~~tt"/'l. 10./'1 , . ...- ( .- ....' -.~.._-.~_. '..- ..- -- - ----- - -- - , --.------- ~ :.-<-.. - . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yur ayltor Tlm"r Unimproved Improved TOTAL OYlter Timber Unimproved Improved Imllrov.menta B. of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE 53 ,;{,fJO :150 /0 /0 - St/ -- ,;, ;;; () .;(,S-O /0 I/:NJ //':;0 - 5.h. /, S-o /00 .;(. :;)'0 /0 50 1/"2-Cl /1 ~{} .52- j, .c) 0 /,O() dso 5'D .'10 l~f5 /7JY5 59 ~'JO ~.S-o /c'JO ,;< /5'0 .,;ze2 5"0 1:..1:.. d ,,')cJ ;}.:; 0 /00 ';?;:2r/o .:z.3 1/6 M ;;?-5'"0 ;;;50 2DO ~/bs ::?3b5' R . , .:J /'7/<1 1..B~0 'VI A'6/J "')~ A 14- ..5I'M c:?7M 3,,;l./0 1Q. 60% /000 5';"dO ~4.;.o 2L /C<? ?n ;:) c7 cJC) /tJ.?fLO 1:2:?t/O I & . 4:2tJO /t,(,./O ~O.?(.O ZL 14250 ;</0 Yo ..:),5330 3.L .1.5'1 ..:J. :;- c! I" 7,1 r 'J:it"" 0 <./3 :300 84 , 3.;16"0 7' :J 3411 \ " /;)7"0 LOT BlK. \r~''7'a' f1LP7?-(lfI :..al\l SEC. TWN. RGE. , " . . - ,..-. .-. _.~. - -.., --.,'._11'..,. _. ~"_',-<_..iMP!_~pv.^- --~ .....,__~,~ ,...o;-'.~' ,- --,,,=.;:..... Tr. lOA of Tr. 10 of C.P.Saeger Farm Seg. 2~~9-20-3 T\-at pa~ of tl-oe 00ilt\-ea:ot quarter of tl-oe Nort\-east quarter of Section 29, Towns\- ip 20 Nortlo, Range 3 West WJ>l, described as follows; Beginning at tl-oe intersection of tloe soutl-oer1y line of Arcadia-Brumbaugh Loop Road, as it existed prior to May 23, 1958, witlo tloe west line of tract conveyed t~ ~ames G, ~ut1edge by deed dated July 7, 1951 llxltx, running thence south 480', thence east 250'; tl-oence nortlo 480' more or less to said soutl-oer1y line of road; tl-oence westerly along said soutloer1y line to tloe point of beginning of tl-ois description; Except tract conveyed to Mason Co. by deed May 23, 1958. .. ":,"..,,~~a,. _ _ _ ,...::~~"c-- I ---- ~---_._-- -. ";=.""~ ...,~ et al: 414457 Paterno V. Cal\ll1gsod sgl Aurora C. Cal\ll1gsod sgl