HomeMy WebLinkAbout320291300370 , FII. NO~. 1.'3.23 (; 7.;zNAMEolOWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 70 SALE PRies V..r Rd. Ie.. Port PUD FPD - - - - - - { 52 116598 Charles Lawrence et ux 3 42 S 3 4 L S 53 149508 William K. Lawrence et U~ fl .L 14.:2 S l .!L ..1.. J:f 60 184015 Valgene Merle patton - - - - *~65 ~~ 2/1/1 9", L ifdz9;-~ .9. u,,(l- 7~<I. ) ,,:#, Y -!< ~- ;/"6 yt ~?-.,-.:> . 2J+ ,~~'fOI"; -{! d. / ^'. " ,190'71 .U-r....r --<'~<J./ __ '-tI!-.c--L-?Y7 4/ lJroO - - I- - ~ 6'1133 '7.?.J. J-jI03,?,? ~/j)~ - - - - - cref) , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - /' . .~ ---..----- ,~.-.~ .- ~ . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Vel' Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oylter 11mb" UnImproved Improvltd Improvements B.oIE. (BuildIngs) VALUE 53 '-;'00 .-5-: 00 1;20 d)oO 3;10 fi ...!;-'oo S,oo /?-6 ~90 g-/o - ~;J{; .000 /. tJo 5,00 /O() 50 {,90 1<10 -'N -;/. C 0 //CJG .5:00 /c C> ,?o A/a 3{'() Cd.' ~oo /..00 ~-;60 / c.' C' So S3(l ~.?o 4;/ -It~ /:t/-V 5o-tJ 5"'0 ~oo 53/:) 7..5'0 tL 5b ~ t>o .-e- ~50 6~ 5""0 ,.:;)00 /~5'O I/.,o 0 & ~ t.tJ .-2.L2J 15h5 ),P7<' :;(. h ffL -::s .;2'" /7'r 5'. 12 0 07CJCJ 3.9;; ~.s' 3&4"< ~. <7- Z2. 52i~ //tJo "/tJo _~/o &//6 7/ .6 ,,;2,.Q 3..:2;'2 //00 -G- -e- -'1.'1 r? Z2- ~ .tZ2. //;;f ~o .I/,1tJ 7,1CJ StJ/lJ h//o Z2. '501:2 :::S::J~ 4tJeJ -e- -e 7'00 7.$ =s . 61;:( /7? <;;; tJ 0 Lj tJ () ;/cJd 5a/o .6//0 -LO~ Wi. "__ ~. - ~ -- - ~'. SEC. TWN. RaE. r,<~~ I..t 0 . ~ \ ,..>- ,- ..-.- - .... - .';;. , - , _.- ., - -,-t- - "?'"".!"'?~' '~"""""","-' ~-'-' ~>?'''-~ Formerly: wi E! E! SW NE & Por W! E! E! NW NE S of Arcadia Road. ,_,~, ......r; - .. -;, r':-;--. --=--_~~.- .~ ( , / rC"'~ ~: ' _ --~..... ,~-= I I I I I I : I I I . e- , e, NUMBER OF ACRES I I -L____ VALUATIONS Year I Oyster Timber I UlIlmproved Improved TOTAL r Order Timb.r Unimproved Imprond Improyements 8. of E. (8I1ild!nqsl VAlUE 11 5',00 5.00 /'1s-oo 305'00 5tJOCJO 1--.-- --. ;J". SI . I, I !..!f..p 0 CJ . -er 1'100 Ci ~. , ~ 195'W LO:O I&)/) ,r./V'l SJ.- ! , I"looe! Ffooo , ~ . 23# 51 19.5't>tJ 3oS-ao ~22- !- --.- --.-. St>o .s-.tJ eJ /95",:117 3aSad S-t)CJaQ - ---- ----- -- . . I ---.-- ..-- --- -.------ -_._~- _. I. - --- ---.- . -- --.-. --- . - .-- ------ ------ ----- -..---- ---- I-- . . ; , .- I - ...~- ., I \. .. .t._.",.. ".. "'-" I I II I I I VALUATIONS ' .. TImber Unimproved Impro'fed Impro....m.nts I. of E. {Bulldln';l) VALUE T I -. NUMBER OF ACRES y.., , 0,..., 4t:? 'JtJ, 'JV -;;;; 1t: -'.Y- -17 TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster 3.;2;} //?P.K: II"" /oo<J:. '3.;;1;}' //J,f ~ /1/1 "If ,/,1: 1V ht If{.., ./-1 T.J . 71 '01 ,rJ ...., /, 7 -, tj,.)J yj, I ! c---,,:.... -. Z ~ f~ /' J~J 01-/ tJ 0 --e-- --6- /--L {J () no l4LtJo //I/l-..:J/i /~6' (9/T/i.....G- -e cf' tJ 0 R,1/1 / J./.OtJ //)0,:;)/1 /~ao ,jYtJO -- ,{>cJ <.) L/.9?o /1/ 3Y:; /93?rJ ;(.10 ( I(;,{D i.f9?:) I'" C<'j) 7 ";JIve 10 i , ) ~, / ,;..., / / fri!o Nq'i -) rf=((c (, 'L,re " " -, 1./9)'.') /-;--" ~~~-:) /; I , /(.(U 'J 1c'ld, :Jf,?'o /~3feJ /7'370 .. ///0 -6-~