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, V..r FUe No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 70 SALE PRICE Rd. .... Port PUD FPD - - - - - - 52 138945 John H. Riter et ux 3 42 S 3 4 L f/9938 - 57 167781 Robert W. Hiester et we J( ( ;I;;. L ..2. !L l- f{ $5350 60 185773 " " J.S.Eves tt16015 - - - - - - - -$4Q75 61 188891 J erne s E. Eves et ux 'iF- fp /w,. 7 - - [,<" :2-;2.,,/ ~ ".17 4""$". - - - I- - - 67. 1/-1-'1/<"1<7 ~~ ~dh J t1/ n 17, J.# L" If' " b"'_ ~6 bOcJ 10 61.(/(/".114 #' /J ./ ( I0S9V ~- L- -di?oG ~ ?a"',~ /(, '7/) k1?' , );:;t";<rJ'j':lZ (?--. '''"'; .~,,{! {/ >H"XS ,( /1" - - -- f)j')c; 3IJ Cf /5;J. _ ,p a,'il.-r de P.lj.s9'lS' ~ 1-- - - 7/ '1$ 3-4663* (l,~b ~_ x!"~.o <-;.1 ,+-t .3J../R 0 1 I- 1173947 6/81 391751 1/ .:J./)() ~ Bonnie B. Tick $17500 i?€.c er - - - - 100'"0 - - - - , ~_... ..~. ~ - ---- ~~~._------_.~ -- . .. ' - . ,. - NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS v... Oyster TlmlMr Unimproved Improv-.:l TOTAL Oyder Tlmbu Unimproved Improved Improvemenh B.ofE. ~ (Bulldlngt) VALUE :53 /.c.f /c.Y ,,30 ;?So ;( ,.f 0 5:1- -- /oct' /.of' 3c '17'0 S.).() - .21- /,oP' /'of 5" [) <J96 5</0 tD /'t>S /.ot' 50 .f'7o 9~O JeL /-0,7 /. tJ! ,fs- ??o 95"5' ~ 1...: k-Z /c:JS /o6'S //10 11 ..300 /(j,j>,r; /3d"5 2U L..;-o % GCJ() ~/,.?o ,~7 tfo 2!/- ~O~) /,.;100 41gt,6 .5'"sbO & 3()oO g), .-oJ / / coo 1.i..- I.d? /.08 3000 /'-/.:< /10 /702f/o )fo 3500 ,;2. 35r$o ":<7350 fu 5~N ,?(:, ,~~ /5&0 9510 //0'7/1 ~J -,,3t.. .31. \ 7750 ~3g5ZJ 3/1:.00 , ,11 5M .~b ,~tt. 93#->15 :L. 7z5'"0 2;J8 S'IJ .3//00 , LOT BlK. ~/~~ , f SEC. TWN, ROE. ,I "'..:1' J( .. " ,. .,. " . ' , . "', ' " "" '. ,-- , ' , . ""\ -IC-o:rme,rly:- Tr.-14 of Eli. w;\- W! NW NE --S-3e~5"'-of'''''-N-.94-&..&,L0j;'E;\- wi?: w~ NVI NE (Now Tract B of Short Plat #955)" The N 95' of the S 304.5' of the N 945.5' of the E 1/2 W 1/2 W 1/2 NW NE 29-20-3W.W.M., EXCEPTING therefrom road rights-of-way,. Also excepting therefrom the N 12' of the E 12' thereof. -AL-S&-T-rac1-A-o'f-5-hori"Plat #955 - Wel'l S.i.te dof:__:.," 7'_ 45) The-IOI-;1"'-of-1'he S304..5' of the N 945.5' of the E 1/2 W 1/2. w, 1/2 NW NE 29,.20~3W.W.M"T-E-XGEPHNGTh-er13'fromroaa rFghts-of-way. ~ ........' --~J: ~~.~. 0 _c~.t.__ ,::/~>) - oE?B ';:"09 -:.:,--,:: 7 =&;,;. -- ,- ---~_""'_" c~.,_ ',.. ',,:,.~ _.,-->~ I -- _..-.~ ~ NUMBER OF ACRES fu;I"OY;:, Timb.r I UnImproved Improved ~3______. 12. >If t4 ~;; 't~ , 3 &, ~I ''-'10 >---- - .310 TOTAL I I I I I I I ! - . I I VALUATIONS Ord.r Timb.r Unimproved Impr';)nd Improvemenfl \ II. of E. - (Build;nQ'l VAlUE 7;( .s- () 1/.1070 17 3~ 0 -6 -&- -cr 7:<S'o' /tJoSO 17 :;0 CJ - -0 -67 ...g. 7~.s-CJ /~~.5"O 17300 -er -fT -e; ,:% -.----- ----- -- ---.-.----.-------- -f-- ---------1------ ---1---. I , . ------- I 1._- .==l - :;"<r~' ----1-- i I