HomeMy WebLinkAbout320291200200 , Y..r File No. Rit-rE ~~~NJ" CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 70 SALE PRICS 170772 Rd. "h. Port PUD FPD - - - - - - 52 H. Parry Jones 3 42 S 3 4 L .... /"7 1./1 Q'17 '1,A. ,:., g~ /7 ) .~, R{ / ::Q. ~ .3... 4- L .fi ;S ~d"'d C,39? %/ (J / ' / q fJ.,#:.. , .J .Js' "".;~~- .J 7ft1f 21{;;)'3 1;:1 :l Y "/f L 1L / I ~. .-w' - - 0 'Il I,t 1,;)/ ~ ' -"/O"/.!io !Is. ;l.9/?')',;J.. a .1 /~ ":.::J f~i2n' . k" MUYli:t:/, , if. ' JI/J&I d~ j- Uk( f}r. \~,c~~~"" - - - - .:itS J' 3d, ~J'7I '1:;'1.5"1'-, /' 1.1. """, ~<' ) <'!:'<a </' #~LU"O 7/85 442548 " " " " Bnnry <{en - ~ 7)'151) .) 7(5lJ - - - - - - - - - - - . , . ~ --'". . , - ---~ -~ NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS V..r Oy,"r Tlm_ U..lmprov..:! ImDroved TOTAL Oyd., Tlmb.r Unlmprovlld Improved Improvlmenb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE n. j,85" ),f~ Jc g-o 5(. ;,65' /-t.,5 ~() 60 - ,51- /'}..7 /7-7 t;o 00 ~ /.;;J.7 /-':<7 P1% .:<~5' , t:? /f'o /$C .a -'7 .2~:s ;ld2S ,,"}/,; d . -Ej tJO ~tW -::7tJ ~ A'o tJ J'CJO 2i J tM % /too /h'~6 1h /":'61) /'P,fd 9~Pc7 7t. 3000 7., <5 c: O"f'tfi) .J..k -(f -{} ~.. 77 300U 7Sr, ( ,..........., () ~ / )C( (I 17 ~ -A ,.q... f,-W'?J'cK. 3000 7860 It) ,S't(/ .. - I ",..,., ROE. <u~.aq.ldO~ ' . . .....vvN., .. '-.--- -~.,~..~~.- "..,'" ". .~' -,'. ~:c. L. .. -,~ ,_~ ,r.- ......-:-"'. _""7'<~-_",-,_ d_~ '/Former'lY: W~ E~ Wj\- NW NE except Tracts "r"___r A. F. #442548 (Exhibit A) All that ptn of the W2 E2 W2 NW NE, 29-20-3 W,W.M., lyi,ng lily of Co. Rd known as Arcadia-Brumbaugh Loop Rd, excepting therefrom the N 1050' th~reof, excepting therefrom the E 15' thereof fcr rd purposes, & excepting therefrom rd rights-of-way. The S 50' of N 1050' of W2 E2 W2 NW NE, 29-20-e W,W.M. excepting therefrom the E 15' thereof for public rd purposes & excepting therefrom rd right-of-way. The above descr tract of land is to become a permanent part of & appurtenant to the Exhibit A described in A.F.#442548. (Above) (Formerly Tr. 49) ,......i..'- , ---.ioo1 :~~:;Z~- -~ I I I I I I I I I I I .- ~. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved I m proved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Imprcwements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE '1-"' / ~, / "",. S;~-;-.:.J , .. ~5'5() ..5, ., .~ " ..- g5 .;;,1 ,:;"1 , . l7oc; ,-0 /7,1(j .c::.... 'S..P 0:-1- ~Or: -4 J....~ 1,- 'rJ.OJ - ~~.. -. , --0_ 1 NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS Yur Oy$fer Timber 1 Unimproved Improyed TOTAL I Oyd.r Timblf Unimproved Improved Improv.m.nt$ 8. of E. (8uildin'ij5) VALUE li.. /,:27 /..2 7 -) ') ~ 11 ?,ry '] ) 7?5f'() ID~rJ -, 11- {;. ...,q.. -c-. 1M 05000 '7 !?!?O /0 S"8'CJ 18(' 1.]( I ' / ,0-_4 -;) -$-- 'J ' . -- 2L - 1,:;<7 )~7 /tloc> 0 /(,.9"0 ,,;[6 9~o &, 1%"",s.<I- 7Ii J'7S~ /3 itiOD ,;?,;2 5.5 a Ikl. .Ld2.... 1,,;;.7 / -tJ- --t:L r--{}-... -- .' ,", 'COO d~tj5o ~ (7J -&- -". -G- 8~ -1 ./1 (' ut(~ ~./.( /,0'1 /, C/ '/ - . .74'10 /_=?;;>co 21Z90 i3. -&- ~ --e. - ------ 1--- - 1'1 --- 7'-190 /33tJo .il/~9o .1'L /tI-v L iI. +- IN 0 ..or. 'I '10 . - I . '7 .' - . .,. ..