HomeMy WebLinkAbout320291200130 Y..r File No. DISTRICTS 7:) Rd. Ich. Port PUD FPD NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO <;2 l-u-- Philip Besch 51 /~/Atf. ;;_~~-" A:t;: /;A.A'~ -,7 u_~ c'" .//' ,,-q' /t/~:,-,L & r /J{I/j _ .b' (/ 17 / .., 6t. :m,o;~ (1~ i.I. ~~..L u./ (,L d./7tJti ~. IE, ~ .d-~ Jt'7 "J'J-<t-W() cy:_ _12 /.1 ~n' _ ~ I /..:9 -"1/// ",,07 Kil. J.< "7/ / hlL! l ~"/'l.f-';' ~ 7J ~ 'I; -,-p / ,;?A' /! /]77,-:',1/ (l..J tU'/, ,,~I7. J ..urL Ii!; 51 Jj7~' ~ \'D~ /J ,r? / /I - - Ijj'7? 3542/1 t'It3LA.vd~ff.t: '/#"- 3711.90 R~a-td!/ P(~.d"1'f?.......JJ.l1\ Sot16 >;112 s >; ..l1. L ,/7 / ,?/ _Ly,j..2 S 3 1-/ I /I -----f-- -- -f-- ~..a 'p I,,) IALE PRICS -;z;"/O/87 :75/7" ,.~ ti _" /Z.37cJ ~. ~:2s:r.7 ~~ ="- ....f~J' - ~v ~-p ~)')A. ,.l;'o "'/J?i:"" r ~o3?Z. 0= , '15,?Jff6"'>Lzr #.jL.8.:2 7.:6 ;11 '/'" 667-}L,? 0..5;;/\ -*7/P$'36 UJLJ - - - - e=-;;--- ----- ----- -'--.::--:-"--_:'-.,,...,-:_:"--:"- ,--- .,':',.:0,.:-.:" -'--:--,.':' -:0 - -: - --:- - --- - - -- - -----~1--~. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS .30 4,-; 0 y.30 30 - <::0 CJ &, ::'10,1 0'0 /~'3'o /40 -&- ,"? 0 /U~/ /-9'tkJ Sd /?(..b /1Ifc:J /~o 17"30 /530 /tlO /7?'t:! If' 7<1 /tJa //;75' 177~ ~_L:;" <:207':..< ~,QZl ~ d!CJ%<I~. j ...5ZJ 0 4'/ 9"0 4/6?tt /O<J/'J ,paRb 9~ 3 e . I/.? :,;(J 14' p:.;,; 't ()O 1 .:;' 7"') 3 '/7tJO 2ftMO ';?h7tJO 3'17tJd V..r OYlter Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved TOTAL aylhr Unimproved Tlmb.r Irwproftd !:>~ l,,8 I,-s;> -5L .$? 5'/ 1.<,., t;~ ~ I~q I/}/1 I?.a -71. # W .C:<:< .~:< ,~.J. ,:U ,22 .22 .;!;;- ,,,.75 ~t5A .5b% I) d;I.Po , .2~- , 'J.:;- LOT, SEC. .... 4S.--1o~ /...26tot l.tE ,.'''. '",""":U."'.. . "0 ....-- BLK. TWN. ROE. ~_.-~-- '''':-~::.. .' ~:,J"> ." - -- ~.;'.; -, ~'.: ~ :c.';~,. Impronmub (Bulldlngl) B.ofE. VALUE , ... .~, -~- Formerly: Tr. 2 of E~ E~ W~ NW NE N 60' 0i;'S4281-of,EfE~W~ NW NE N of Arcadia Ro NeW' des'c':fiptJon'p ] -.:- Com. at the !tLt,corner of Sec. 29; thence N 89052'08" El alon~ the N line of said Secj 29, 493.56' ~~ the W line ~f said E. E~ Wt NW NE; thence S 0040'46"'E 864.50' to the initial point of the tract of land hereby ,described; thence N,89052'08n E, parallel with the N line of section, 164.52' to theE! line of It he E! Ei W~NW NE; thence S 0040'46" E, 71.1'-to iarf-e'xistihg ferice,betng the N line 'of a tract of land " conveyed_ to LeRoy ~wap:p:e-bn deed lfo. -157483;' thence N 88001'46tt W'..., ., along the Nly line 'of said Swayne,tr~ct" 164.60', to the center line of th\,!existirfg County Ifoac. ._":' ,tl1'l :'1 li'1'3 ;)( 31~1 S! Ei wi NW NE; thence N....o040'46" W, alongs9.id 'W line,. 65' to the initial"point. ~ The above-descrIption'includes land deeded to Phillip Besch on deed #157508 which was-formerly known as Tract l-A of Ei E! W~ NW NE. ~,~-;: ~. .----~. --------- ----. .. - ~ ,._-'~-_._" ,