HomeMy WebLinkAbout320291190010 Vur FII. No. RiW'E~~~~R CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 70 SALE PRICE 173469 Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD - - - - - - 52 117970 Abston Potter et 3 42 S 3 4 -..b ~ n'T ux p 7/, /,- r?? iJt;;.r -' ~ fI( .L. ':ib ..2... ..3 -':L ~ if... 1o;';J/'-Ji:<."> ~ -J& J' lOA ~~ L U"", ';<97":<0 l3~~j~ 0." OA 7JJ. .J./r~~ot/1(Ou. :+u[) v i? - - #72 I 79W'!f' 'IA I' <;A7IiOI I\lirk Pi c::::!n i - - - - - - t.1h nnn 1M" 0/86 'If'/94/f Awutc;(,~Juy ~ 0>( r:r .J fd 9/9,))' "'''I'' _ -J l7'';6" "D "''''' 1/st, m,~71f YJ ~ f?~;', d<<1C( --!?atii.) I Ir.fi: '1.5 3 ~ ~"'7 0'<- '/55 J,;v '1/T;/t -1. d1~L :::95'5'.$';- - - I- - - - ' s1l'7<>t> we - - - - - - I--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - .,;-~ ---.~ - " ...' " ,-..... '. '. "',.," ""-""'".. '-r ~ , ' ~ - ~--- - ------'-"'" - , , ' . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y..r Old.' Tlmb.r , unlmP.rDVed Improved TOTAL Older Timber Unimproved ImprDVltd Imllrovemenb B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE .5;,i 7f7.q 473 /S'o c:,;?-o 77Ci IB -- -!. 7.3 L/7} /,f,-{) '7/0 //),,:;0 ~ JJl- .-1. 7.-'J loCi L/73 Id6 .;;-0 Cl/o / oJ' 0 i-c 373 /-CJ 0 </73 / ;J. L> ..i,-{l I-:<So p/J.o .kd 3,<>-0 /,79 ~ 7.:3 so /?o /...,-~ It/Po /.L, '7'% 6/? dijL1 //d,.-'J / --f'/,. <:1 -'" "/..,' /I 1-/ // i/L ~, '7.3 47..:3 -/;i /c7..:l5 / :79 () 3tJJ5 I 00~O .Zc2. --0 .;Jc>;; 0 3"7>,' -;70<-" (/ :zf- I/j!) % -1/<::10 79110 /';; oJ'o X /, 73 '1 1-1,7-"1 I 1-:,3;;:) J/"lc-I-.O If"" CJ I/O ~ .c)U ! - ft S''' /,Sf) :...c 7 :;> 'Ji/o 100, !,rc /<I:;,-DO . . gl -<, -37 01,37 It; 300 3:<~ou 'I~ 5'00 if /#300 3~:Ut) Y.< CClO i LOT BLK. '- .,. ~9.1: /. q~1i6l.L.k!l , l SEe, TWN. ROE. .~ , " - '-",', n -l-lr"'-:<.K~~~~""~."".~..,...tli&..! _':.A~'.: ,~ ~b.~~!,,~~ . ., . "- ~. -'. . Formerly: Ei E~ Ei NE NE ex. Tr. 1 (Tract B of S.P.#607 A.F,#367888) ! AI I that ptn of the E 1/4 of SE NE NE 29-20-3 W.W.M. lying Nly of the Northerly right-of-way of the New Shelton-Arcadia Co. Rd, EXCEPTING therefrom an undivided 1/2 into in the tr of land conveyed to Berna Evans & Edna E.Evans, by deed 8/2/47 A.F,#120785 daf: A strip of land 100 in length running Sly along the Section I ine between Sections 28 & 29, sd twn & rng immediately N of & adjacent to the Old Arcadia Rd as the same was located & in use; sd strip of land being 6' in width, the same being located in the E 1/2 of E 1/2 of E 1/2 of NE NE 29-20-3 W,W.M.; the purpose of sd conveyance being to establ ish the joint ownership of one certain wel I located thereon. *Ex. Tr. l-A T,,~- / c? ..~ '1~1r "'" '/SSIO I -r' lA)of " -/' a..-,k,;;J /&.&.."-"-'-- g ~ ~,,-,-;:f- /-,1'7-- OF '/~ Yh c~ S-vw CudJ u.~ lc.,.ge~"< /J<<< 6",/ I{ 4",", c~ "/:L ,.f~- z.-Oo u 2..)-' L... 1-- '6I,y,,- - ~ 000 95' ~ .3 Yh"-"act