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y.., F'U. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 70 SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Po,t PUOIFPD - - - - - - i: 60 183153 Merve C. Smi th et ux 3 42 S 3 4 L I.B.E #15044 tl'f '!>SnD4 t:l~Ifl~ ~ ,fI( ( ~ ~ ;L ..!L ~ ..it. :!'M 360317 j) /. J m';J.'''~A .Jl., .'-/L ~.:JIdf2 -#,!,::J.69o {j} ::J x1) - - - - - - ~ )88)95 C.P" Smi+h (TArri M ) RnhAr+ M A+ 11)( - - rss mC,. CF f?,~ fY)~. ,&.u., gS-,3.//S-7 - - - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - e:: '. ,-.... , . -'-- .- ,,,.'., J. '- -~ , , .. " . ..-'. .. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Tau Oy,"" Tlmb.' Unlmprovfll Improved TOTAL Older Timber Unlmprovfll Improv.d Imp,ov.menu B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE fLQ. /,/4 /./'-1 .2.;l~ .30 30 ~n .k /./~ ;, I St- ,;(. :2 g 50 SO /00 ~ ,- hi? b5 /,;2,S- I~X: &.. ...:; ,&,f' ,;(.;:).5' --r9- "y.&J /TSO 2L2 6/5<;;:, "?.s c1 .Fh C) 11- //1/J % /"'7~o /~..,,7{? 4>- ;:;;;;;'Rt.., ..:);\..\'0 go ..J 7 ?o t?;?c' (0 3:L'f70 L ,.,,::< ? ,;?/h" /~o"o ~7~,;() '17~!J () ftf / tMoo 3f7Sd ,/;7$'0 \ .. - , I Il ?UII' 5\1)1 , LOT BLK. I ~I: 11 1<C. TWN. ROE. I' , ~ "--~- ~-'- " . . '<g. --:..:".....~: " - Formerly: S 300' of N 2 acres of S 300' of N 2 acres of :::'J(,G ~..{.JA~ -~~"'...~~ ~. ,,~ .--~ - -~ ,~ , " 5/5 2- 'I,/.. / 3'-~! . wl. 1', E'2 A~'~""",~. ~._. tj'l ~2 , l W'2 w~ NE NE W! NE NE ~ ~'4-t / _- ,"- .'",-_\.. and ~I -~, ...~ / ............)~, ,or,..!