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V..r FII. No. 173513 Ri'~E~g~Nar CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 7..:) Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD SALE PRICE 52 105843 Edward Nicholson E.Whinery .l'('l.lbU 61 189382 Edward Nicholson ----- ~i!r-:3</'>J ;?~ ~ ..ML- .,p:l d),' d , ~5- I.1d '7,;;'-)1/ Li. AJ. 44 l' ~ Ii 1/. I - ~ .a~4- '1 J4, ~ '777 ~.-Ir-- Yr, / .13 ~, '7-:.' J, X' ()- -;;( U--::-. .- - / j- j rs %51'6b ~\(). ,/I. tl 7/~..ad.:#. / ~ .5:n-121.1/r:f.~ ,folfJ (h-'Y1-""A'//P' / a:yx') 3 42 S 3 4 L - ;j'( I Q~.3....!:L.b....f:L ------ I-- ~ < Cl/\ #-5,'6/ v. I-- -1--- - %: S;:I,//, . :(.;:l~o, ""'" 0/' Lf'5'/;;;- ~.0?3 ~I&- .P ~tI /7'~ (..v ,~ 0<-(;7,$,1,., ;?J':?~ J I-- --- -------\ .' ' ..,~. -....--. ,." ~ . - ". ~.~. ---............. ......... ~. . -. . , NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y." a.,.wr TlmlMr Unlmprov.cl Improved TOTAL O.,.ter Timber Unlmprovld Improved ImprOVlmlnta B.ofE. (Building.) VALUE & /,5Y /, Sir S-o / .s-O c:z 00 .a /s-.? /,iJt So 4/0 () S/O - 5"~ .sR /00 /.5"K ,;(S So </00 5'3S- E /, 5" i" /5t 7;;;- 460 535 Id. /,sf /5f' 75'" ~9() 7~5" M /d,t! /. !>f /00 6?o 77"0 -"- 'bZ . /~ rPb.c; 170 ~ 6t7 cJ' /...;1 '7 tJ /7'7/} ~ ko% /(JtJc) ~90 $40 I/'4 1/"" '/-. ';<~(JO .50'/0 ,/,,::?J>o 710 3/ b t? q.fJ:.( /:J C;;" () ~ /'SJ' /.5'8' J{J5"oo 17'JOD ~t'l()O $1 ,I ItJ5ao /79ao ~ t'Y()Q \ . LOT BlK. !3}.2la.:z'f. J . / /) f) J: / ~ are. TWN. ROE. l .. 'y"; , .. " .' " ...." _... ;';:-'. '--..:.'., "...,,' F" -"'!:-~"'- Formerly: W-! E;\- E;\- W-! NE NE ex. N 372' ~c'.:sl.'. ._ _ ~ ,~ -' . -~-_--:-:-- ,V:' :.'J _.-~ "'-"'~=~~~......_~-." --=.-.. ~'. . .<