HomeMy WebLinkAbout320284490010 Year Al.H~) '01.1/0)1;5' NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 70 SALE PRICE Rd, 5eh.I'ort PUo FPo ,--' 0/7 ,b r:'- ,"(40) 284020 E. J. Mell et UX .P.Ranacz 3 42 S 3 4 L H $4000 JiJL I 'it,l) /lf5" /'\ 1 '-lid-- ,jJ ~ 5r;,8~~ Wdl. ' 7' 7SC J/JL 2J/:1, :J.IJ &h1.il< AI_t ,zl/i: t<- /~-"-"'ru Ji'1 I II/~ ,<) 3 H- i 'ff 3/tJ I;?f~c} 1i.',4J .tf, ?f,,'j/ A..h'.< , # 56'6 ,p. 7-"1.33'1 "~ "'~ 5/'3 46:<:1. 1 , - 1}.7l""-,2",, I." :fl' #73/1/ .-1,:" %~ l/!itP7S7 , /? <;u. b~' 00 fro #.' , f.J@ IrN '/35237 I~:/' N, f ~ A " It $4, %!? 1f~9?5'3 :; /' i)/LL- ~ Iv 1\ #9/~Cf J./O S2b.<>oo -:;~5 </-.3175<1 Ai nA 7/1, 1/. L" .-hw (i~ u ') ::::q }/)7 ) I , U 17 ---- .' NUMB:~ ~F~CR: ~;.e .- , " Y.., I Oyd., VALUATIONS Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber Unlmprovtld Improvtld Im[ro....m.nh I. of E. ( ulldinv') VALUE 173 :/. r'~ ,) ~ 'J ~-c) -','/;'-0 ~, ~/, , '//- /('C /'1 ,'~, ~ 7~. d'J , . .J,")(,/ 19 5el /, ~,C' I,'CO ;). feu 3 L/:. :J hC;U'l 7c; ..:5t:.~ 1,< ~ .- --,~ ,^, -,~.. , liOn --~ /100 C' (50,) ;: ;:; <J a X( ::1 /..- " ,1C'Gi /'is'o~ 30'100 'Ii:'3cl() j /'f, c l~' 1/ !. J:3'c' !o (.1'30 ?)' _ rUIJ..:lf'~!! Y5 ::;" S4<J 2 '.;;,-/<;,~.. ///d~,'" /u~~~//' 'i4 I/Jo J",~ II O/~-"~ ~ / ;f- ()..$- {) 3/lS"s-CJ /5 t 1 Y." >D :V,</</,') "I"Iq<m LOT UK. II -;Z.:lA "') Q 11, I fl (\IT/Ill SEC. TWN. RGE. < \ M, ____2- '. ' ". J;u ~ 4 .s.? /;/1:< - Beginnini at the SE corner of the SE SE; thenceNly along the E line of section, a distance ;of 400'; thence Wly, parallel to the S line of section, a distance of 218'; thence Sly, parallel to the E line of section, a distance of 400'; thence Ely along S line of section a distance of 218' to I.P. I Je EXCEPTING therefrom the N 200' thereof. ALSO BY QCD AF#396053, boundary I ine adjustment: All that ptn of the SE SE 28-20-3W.W.M., daf: Commencing at the SE corner of the SE SE; th N 880 35' 24" W alg the S I ine thereof, 218' to POB; th continue N 880 35' 24" W alg sd S line 30.74'; th N 00 17' 51" E 199.25'; th S 880 35' 24" E para I I e I with sd S 1 i ne of SE SE 27' +- tap 218' from the Eli ne of sd SID; th S 00 32' 17" E 200' +- to POB; EXCEPT I NG therefrom the S 25' thereof. ~'" ,~ - - ,."J__-_ ,. - .".~"'....,,"'" ~.',. ,:" '. ~ " , -- - . -7~- .",