HomeMy WebLinkAbout320283290050 ~ V..r FII. No. CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .,S- NAME of OWNER SALE PRICS 173466 R/w deed Rd. 10.. Porl PUO FPo - - - - 52 94442 Burke Crusan 3 42 S ~ 4 L -~ FP flt::.1 u~.L'L CF2286 Mary Crusan Crowell Lovgren if! ! d:2=. ~ 3.... !:L ..L .it ---z4 ./J,," -i/,.~L.ff- ;;;f~ll- 6" j .:r:yc 1= T~7J./i7P - - - - ~2" /Y$'7 .iL r - - I-- - 000, <] /1t, LJ IV u.. -=:1. ,. ~n .-J .;J / / .J- ~, - jIf/ // IlLY.... ~ I-- - ?57&S"/ JiJL /)4- JJ!oJ{ v- ";:3 r, '.Ei I/, -rJ. ~ w ,,0, ~"J"",""~c .Mlli. 392479 John V. Butler et ux(Esther) ;; ~LJ.co w'-' - - - - - - I-- - - - - - - - - - - - .,' ~ . - -- ~ - - ~ --- -~-- -- - ~-_._---.- - -~- _. -- --- ----_._--~-- ~ ,'", -. .....----" NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS V..r Old.r Tlmb... Unlmprond Imp'roved TOTAL Oydor Timber Ur.lmproveG Improved Improvemenb B.of E. (Buildings) VALUE S,3 /739 Ifoo .1!'~o ? 17CJ 3&0 J~O /370 ~ 17.51 I~.()O 35.31. /70 -3 (r () /dXO /,5'/0 5:2.. / ;; &(~ / ,f, 0 () 3(",1"~ ,;? () C1 3~o /;;(%0 ;%1-0 3-& /J',~f /J(;{}() 3{,5,f /90 3ttJ /:1 fCJ /f3c idL / t:'?P /,fC'cJ c'usf /90 3{,(j /j,~C;- :21'1S- li ;:{ (,., 7.~ 1- 31:..7'5 330 ;:{S"O /(;.t.f-:5"' "'......,r / t),tn) M :J5,7S //), Of) !/'i.7 .;' e?, i () "'-0 101./i' ;),/7:5' L/!:""'; fp r; . ;l,-:"'() ;:'5.0 ,21/00 ~ 'l3o ~ .,".;;f 35t/ .3/0 .:;' ,.1;j/) 3d,1.() iX- 390 310 3 CJt7 () 37,,0 li. ' :;;; r: 5..:1!} -:;;?..;:o g76 .3 tJtJ CJ ~ {,1...'; ifL 30.15 ' , .-.~ .",.- ..:l ~ ;} () .3'9' c- 3000 1,';" /.s- ".,.. ,~-, - 0";;"; ,&<!;.a Z2 5'0<;/') n '-;0 c/o 7;10 bOt:;JQ /;2s!30 7"2 /l.5Pi 4.?7~ 790 ~ tJt7tJ 1/;<'.135 - 73 I..; Y~.5 " 3;J-.5 7'10 (; 00 0 /,;J.OO/J LOT BLK. ~ (~ ooe,' , . SEC. TWN. RGE. Bt::46.::22( 'U _ -- u" r= - ,-= ". .---~ .;,,.,,, ' . -~ ",-,."",,'.: .,_~ _=. _ ..-,.. ,.._~"",_"",_,_.","_.:>!.":'_" ~< _ '_'. _" _~ r.....'-_._., .;: ~~""':~.~- Formerly: Tr. 9 or C.P. Saeger Farm Seg. ex. 9-A & 16 NW m~ S or R/W adj. Tr. 9. Beg at i corner between sees 28 & 29; th E 107.23' to I.P.; th N 1320'; th E 630.4'; th S 2640'; th W 630.4'; th N 1320' to I.P. except that portion lying W of private road leading to Old Saeger Buildings and except that portion sold to Gerhard H. Ness. also: NW NW S of Arcadia Road adjoining ~~ above description. '\~ v... 3f~311 That ptn of the W 1/2 of 28-20-3 W,W.M. in Mason Co.,Wa.; BEGINNING at the W 1/4 corner of sd Sect; th S 85006'34" E 107.23'; th N 02022'32" E 625.89' to the TPOB of this descr tr; th S 82042'48" E 632.13'; th S 02022'32" W 1432.44' to a found pipe on the S side of Mi II Creek; th S 52040'07" W 84.84' along the N I ine of a tr of land conveyed to K.W.Blanchard & wife recorded in Vol 72 of Deeds, pg 361; thS 57047'55" W 205.36' along the N line of sd tr conveyed to K.W.Blanchard & wife; th S 02021'59" W 299.92' along the W I ine of sd tr conveyed to K.W.Blanchard & wife; th N 85020' 12" W 395.82' along the N I ine of sd tr conveyed to K.W.Blanchard & wife; th N 02022'32" E 1941.41' to the TPOB of this tr. ~ ,(,(fLU. c.~ 5/13'1 ~.. .~ -.~~UMBER~OF ACRES ~--_._- -----"-- -- , _._""~~~~. - - ------- " VALUATIONS to of () Y.ar Oyder TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder TImber Unimproved Improved Improvements 8. of E. (lulldinQI) VALUE 71 ..:c. 7~ . ,}.,-- -=: .:; .r~' ,.. II_~/'- ,~.;"):'--9L> 33/'05 "'.~ . ..) 7C IC, 9,~ .:Jtj /00 qO 99:\ Ii c,(VI L ~ - 3() 7S' 477.5-5 ,,-,5, 3" - ?' ~- l'--: f97Pn / " -'.) ....~.. " 171 :5 ~-<r -;'~, 7r" :2 /7 ':?~ c". p ~ It ;;tj(1 ..(1 /14 .5' 0' ~-'(.' -./ .... ). - 1'<: __H ~<:- 5 ,- ,- I,c.?( ;;;500 !?9 7"; ;2 ,; '-f 7.5 II ':--1 --". .,.......- 1;- S "''t ';,2(. 70 ~, I Ie J'r: ~7 &. I ,J S.f'S ~i.D -' Zl ;;.,t,,70 .:<c., 70 'I $'3 f{' CI '1.5"35'0 21 ~5 B.5C; LfS3S"o l __u , , ~ Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 70 I SALE PRICE ;d I~: "; PUD '-f..~.QJ , 64 Herbert Lovgren etux 314 L H 11S 3064-;21 ..:;(,,, .~ ,2,IJ.'u -'- <-</ e- ""'-;lSC/b - - I-- - - - - C,Soo, tf , I . " .. .- . ,. . ...... - 'N'''~. " ," NUMBER OF ACRES I V ALUA TIONS Year Oyster Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL 1 Oyster Timber I Unimproved I Improved Ilmprovemenh I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ~.:0 .- 1.'1 d-15" -" ?::- t/?6 'coo(. :/ 70 "Z1% 90:0 96n 7'1 10-;' /' C' IVJ /9;0 7f.o !)k9", 2. J.Ci ") -'- ,. ..'~ " .(, 7.<'~ n I - $,75' ~--.). " LOT BlK. . . SEC. TWN, RSE. ..- ~ : : i.1Il '. -'" ....~-_.._..--, , ~; ". "...c..- ~'... II!I!I!lIIII!I! ' -...._...""._"'-.,,0. at the NW corner of tract conveyed to Raymond Kimmerly under running thence S 280'; thence W 418'; thence Nly parallel with and 20' an existing driveway, to a point 445' W of I.P.; thence E 445' to I.P. , w' ,..-- ,~~--..~*-_:' File No. 207157; distant from a,...,