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Year File No. NANE of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 70 Rd. Ich. Port PUD FPO SALE PRICE 52 53 14576] ...,,"'tV" Emery A. Mork Walter Jackson 3 42 S ~ 4 L $7/ (!t20 ~ .3.1..=t L.fL M.Jack~o, --- ~k9~;z.:,s-/ ~ a,) <'J?t. tY:.~ of ,. ) ]!"' / 65- :1 )t/~o9 A:JA n, t1 .;t-. t7..P1. '/1-, ~.f_ ~ /'1 ':!~ /tJ/j,5 A A (j 3#. . ~ /. ~.d /. ) ~ }n$~4f! Q 71li- j'A I..A !b4-1~~14jO rJa. ~L '71. k~. !}iP,}1tI.f;rtA JfJl - 'tI/ 1f~ .;,^, J~t~ ~~' -- ?".n,,jc:J . ::;, ~ I.sl!::--~nil . ~..:.. :1";;7'.5'0": AOS'ji Chas. ----1---- f----- 1"<:19$(\ ~S$.::~ . '4>^: 3,5"71 --c-- --, .,..:----' " " ..,. , , -. ._~.~. - - - ---- - --'- ~-,,--- . .. -, ~:" "'- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS y.., Oy.tar TImber Unlmprovacl Improved TOTAL Or.tor Timber UnImproved Improved Imllronmonu B. of E. (BulldlnCI) VALUE 53 .2,00 .2.00 '/0 9',.yc) S;ZO 2t. .;:;.0 () ;;<,DO ~D 4/0 t,L16 - & ";;.00 .;? o() /00 :J / ,) ~?O h.L .;(.t?-7) ~,o-z, /60 c:';;{G' 7,f~ ~ ,75~ ~ eM ;7 %tJ 95?/J /,7 /. ""iL' /iJ, ,-] ~t!) 79 CJ /.;< :? ~ - ~ ;-VI''/?; /cr~ lad ,;25t:,() Il}-o70 ..:<r;,o?a 3/.;'0 5'1';;0 7", 3:<1,/.0 7870 1/ //0 ~/ / (.u /~(, 105'00 /g ~ I (j :(~710 Jt ItJ5'ao 1%.;1.110 .:18700 " , /' LO~, l IEC. BLK. TWN. AGE. ~g,/u~M~ ,'-." ~- '-." -. "" ._ _' .~~ c." --;-'. Formerly: Tr. 5B of Tr. 5 of NE NE ex. Tr. 5B-l W 132' of NE NE except N 645' and S of County Road. oDO;}. M~ Av0 I WJ7U:oJer- ah. ~,~ S/7~ ',.'.- --:-'-'.l;! ~~ ~~ - - -~--~~~- ~- - ---~co.~<'<: